Data Science Community

Georgetown University has a thriving community of researchers, scholars and students working in data science.

Data Science Community at Georgetown University

The Massive Data Institute
Located within the McCourt School of Public Policy, the MDI is an interdisciplinary research center devoted to the study of high-dimensional data to answer public policy questions.

The Georgetown Initiative on Tech & Society
A Georgetown-wide collaboration, the GU Initiative on Tech & Society trains the next generation to understand technology’s complex impact on society — and develop innovative solutions at the intersection of ethics, policy, and governance.

The Beeck Center for Social Impact and Innovation
The Beeck Center for Social Impact and Innovation is a training ground for students and an incubator for scalable,leading-edge ideas in service of the common good.

GU Women Coders
GU Women Coders’ mission is to build digital literacy for today’s job market and increase the number of women in the technology field.

Department of Computer Science
The Department of Computer Science at Georgetown home to higher education and advanced research on the cutting edge of computing and technology. BS, BA, MS, and Ph.D. programs connect students with the ideas, skills, and opportunities to shape the digital world we live in.

Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Georgetown’s Department of Mathematics & Statistics promotes research in both pure and applied mathematics as well as in statistics. Our faculty prides itself on its innovative instruction and curriculum, resulting in a close working relationship between students and faculty. 

Master of Science in Analytics
Georgetown’s Master in Analytics program provides students with a rigorous training in computational, mathematical, and statistical methods to prepare them for careers in data science and analytics.