Our Mission

Our society faces a set of complex, intractable problems– promoting shared economic growth, increasing access to high-quality healthcare and education, and limiting the effects of climate change. The solutions to these problems require an evidence-based and cross-disciplinary approach, rooted in an understanding of the people these solutions intend to help.

McCourt faculty, researchers, students, and alumni are responding to the call to take on these challenges. Our mission is to tackle the complex issues of today, and inspire and empower the leaders of tomorrow. We are a community of global citizens, conducting policy-relevant research, and building bridges between our work and the communities we serve.

Training the ethically-grounded leaders of tomorrow, and giving them the cutting-edge skills to have a positive impact in the world, is the heart of our work. Our students understand the importance of connecting policy to the people it’s designed to serve, and are prepared for the challenges of working across differences.

The McCourt community is committed to supporting and creating opportunities for the critical dialogue that is so deeply woven into the fabric of Georgetown, to further inform our understanding of the issues and guide our policy proposals.

Our location in Washington, DC, puts our students at the center of the policy world, providing them with unprecedented access to the policy research, experts, conversations, and opportunities they crave to accelerate and deepen their professional impact.