About Us

The McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University is a diverse community of problem-solvers, committed to moving bold ideas to action. We are global citizens, conducting policy-relevant research, and building bridges between our work and the communities we serve.

Our Mission

The McCourt School’s mission is to tackle the complex issues of today, and inspire and empower the policy leaders of tomorrow.

Our Mission

Getting to Know Dean Maria Cancian

Dean Maria Cancian shares her views on public policy education, the vision for the McCourt School, and a little bit about herself.

Get to Know Dean Cancian

Our History

The McCourt School is the ninth school at Georgetown University and the first new school at the university since 1957.

Our History

Our Founding Donor

In September 2013, the University announced a $100 million gift from alumnus Frank McCourt (C’75) for the establishment of the McCourt School of Public Policy, the ninth and newest school at Georgetown University.

Our Founding Donor

Commitment to Inclusion

The McCourt School of Public Policy aspires to become the most inclusive public policy school in the nation.

Learn more about our strategies to achieve this aspiration