Support Funds

The McCourt School is committed to making the world a better place through research and practice. Your support can help us make a difference!


McCourt Scholarship Fund

The McCourt Scholarship fund enables the School to attract and enroll the best and the brightest future leaders regardless of their ability to pay. Tomorrow’s leaders must be drawn from diverse communities, backgrounds, and ideologies, and must graduate without overwhelming debt that precludes public service. 

McCourt Fund for Experiential Learning

The McCourt School strongly believes in the value of experiential learning and internships for students who wish to apply their skills and gain experience while making a difference in their field of interest. This fund seeks to provide financial assistance to any student who wishes to pursue substantive and meaningful experiences and unpaid internships in and outside of Georgetown.

McCourt School Dean’s Fund

The Dean’s Fund provides strategic support for the School’s priorities including innovative programming, academic resources, technological improvements, student projects, and more. A gift to the Dean’s Fund allows us to innovate and advance projects that support McCourt’s mission and strategic direction.

Leslie Whittington & Family Memorial Fund

Leslie Whittington was a professor of economics and public finance and had just completed her term as associate dean when she and her family died on September 11, 2001 aboard Flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon. She was a highly respected and beloved member of the faculty and a passionate expert on family economics issues. This fund supports an annual student scholarship and prestigious public lecture in her honor.

Colin McCollester Mission Fund

The Colin McCollester Mission Fund supports international internships, experiential learning, study abroad, and other international learning experiences for McCourt School students. The Colin McCollester Mission Fund was established by the family of Colin McCollester (G’14), who died on December 12, 2019 as a way to remember his generous spirit of doing good by serving others.

For more information about making a gift to the McCourt School:

Please feel free to contact Jupiter El-Asmar, Assistant Director, McCourt Annual Fund, for more information.

Make a gift today and join our commitment to make the world a better place through research and practice!