Visiting Fellows Program

The Tech & Public Policy (TPP) Visiting Fellows Program provides a unique platform for policy practitioners to share their knowledge and expertise with Georgetown students. Over the course of a semester, fellows engage with students through discussion groups, lectures, site visits to organizations in Washington, DC. Fellows are also encouraged to share progress on their interest areas and research, offering an up close look at what’s happening in tech policy. Students will get insider knowledge on the issues that matter, key players and influencers and the policies and technologies to watch.  

Meet the Fall 2024 Visiting Fellows

Become a visiting fellow

Applications are now open for the Spring 2025 Visiting Fellows Program! Apply here. This 18-week fellowship runs from January 7 to May 29, 2025. The deadline to submit an application is Monday, November 25, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. EST.

  • Student discussion groups
    • Open to Georgetown students: 60 minute discussion on campus
      • Two groups per semester
  • Office hours
    • Open to Georgetown students: 30-60 minute virtual office hours
      • Four sessions per semester
  • Class lectures
    • Open to enrolled students: 45-60 minute guest lecture as invited by faculty
      • One lecture per semester
  • Site visits
    • Open only to McCourt students: Visit to civil society org, tech company, government agency and/or key trade association
      • One site visits per semester
  • Public events
    • Open to all students: 60 minute public event on emerging tech policy topic
      • One event per semester
  • Written and video content
    • Fellows will complete a written essay or opinion article on the tech policy topic of their choice to be submitted for publication.  Depending on interest and capacity, Fellows may work with students and/or faculty on additional writing and/or research projects, in consultation with the TPP director.  
    • Fellows will be asked to do one video interview with the McCourt School Communications team to talk about the fellowship, their time at Georgetown and their specific area of expertise.   

Fellows will be compensated $15,000 for approximately 18 weeks and 5-10 hours/week of work.

  • Significance of the Fellow’s tech policy focus area, including the relevance, urgency and originality of the interest area, research, as well as its potential to impact policy;
  • Clear articulation of topics for student discussion groups; McCourt School and/or other courses you for which you might give a guest lecture and description of potential lecture topics; orgs or offices where you might lead a site visit; the subject of a public event you might convene (speakers, topics, etc) and; other ways in which you might engage students and/or the Georgetown community on current and cutting-edge tech policy issues;
  • Potential of the applicant to actively contribute to the vibrancy and innovative ethos of the Tech & Public Policy community.

Past visiting fellows

Spring 2024 visiting fellows