Our Work

The Tech & Public Policy program brings leaders in technology and policy together to identify and build innovative solutions to the pressing problems presented by current and future technologies and their applications.  

Our programs dive deep into the questions surrounding the role of policy in creating technology that works for the common good and that protects values like democracy, freedom and autonomy. Projects include:

McCourt Institute Partnership and Grants Program

In March of 2021, Georgetown and the University’s McCourt School of Public Policy received M over ten years from civic entrepreneur and Georgetown alumnus Frank H. McCourt Jr. (C’75) to support research and initiatives in partnership with the McCourt Institute that address critical questions on the impact of technological innovation on society, with a particular focus on related public policy.

In June of 2021, Georgetown, Sciences Po in Paris and the McCourt Institute formally launched their new global partnership to advance equitable and inclusive technology.

In March 2022, Georgetown awarded the first round of grants, supporting the work of faculty across the University with deep expertise in law, public policy, computer science and ethics.

Read more about our inaugural research grantees.

Congressional Briefings on Technology and Policy

The Tech & Public Policy program connects experts and researchers at the McCourt School with congressional leaders and staffers seeking information on research and best practices related to building innovative solutions presented by technologies and their applications.    

Contact Tech & Public Policy Director Michelle DeMooy for additional information.

Internal and External Partnerships

The Tech & Public Policy program leverages partnerships at the McCourt School and at Georgetown and beyond to contribute cutting-edge research that addresses the challenges and opportunities related to technology and to educate the next generation of technology policy leaders. Current partnerships include:

Contact Tech & Public Policy Director Michelle DeMooy for additional information.