275 Articles
- Discovery & Impact
- Student Experience
McCourt Student Receives Gates Foundation Grant For Venezuelan Refugee Work
There is an ongoing humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. As the Venezuelan government clings to power and denies that its people are sick, starving, and saddled with an increasingly…
January 22, 2019
- University News
McCourt School Dean Named President-Elect of Public Policy, Management Organization
Maria Cancian, incoming dean of the McCourt School of Public Policy, has been named president-elect of the Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM). “It is…
January 10, 2019
- Discovery & Impact
- University News
McCourt Faculty Named to AEI’s Edu-Scholar Influence Rankings
Congratulations to McCourt professor Nora E. Gordon and McCourt affiliated professor Jane Hannaway, who have both been named to the American Enterprise Institute’s (AEI) Edu…
January 8, 2019
- University News
28 Georgetown Alumni Serving in the 116th Congress
More than two dozen Georgetown alumni were sworn into the 116th Congress Jan. 3, continuing Georgetown’s long legacy of alumni serving the public. A total of 28 alumni, who…
January 8, 2019
- Discovery & Impact
MDI’s Laila Wahedi Wins Data Challenge on Russian Trolls
Dr. Laila Wahedi, MDI’s Postdoc Fellow, won an award for her work on Russian trolls at the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) North American Social…
January 2, 2019
- Discovery & Impact
Large-scale Climate Data Workshops
Last month, the Massive Data Institute (MDI) completed its Data Workshop series that was offered throughout the fall semester. In collaborating with the Georgetown Environment…
December 10, 2018
- Discovery & Impact
Using Big Data to Enhance Local Democracy
Brian J. McCabe, an Associate Professor in Georgetown’s Department of Sociology, partnered with Jennifer Heerwig, an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Stony Brook University,…
December 3, 2018
- Student Experience
Six McCourters Selected for Prestigious Presidential Management Fellowship
Congratulations to the six McCourt students and alumni selected as Presidential Management Fellows Finalists for the class of 2019. The finalists will now be able to attend a PMF…
November 30, 2018
- University News
Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (MPP’94) Elected to Lead House Democratic Caucus
Congratulations to Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), who was elected to the House Democratic Caucus chairmanship, the fifth most senior leadership position in the U.S. House of…
November 30, 2018
- Student Experience
- University News
World Bank CEO Discusses the Future of Work
The McCourt School welcomed Dr. Kristalina Georgieva, chief executive officer of the World Bank, as our 2018-19 Whittington Lecturer. Dr. Georgieva delivered a lecture titled …
November 2, 2018