
72 Articles

General News
University News

Trillions of Extra Economic Damages Predicted in New Study of Climate Change Effects

The world is underestimating the economic effects of climate change by trillions of dollars, according to a new study co-authored by Georgetown’s McCourt School of Public…

October 6, 2020

Discovery & Impact

How Administrative Burdens Can Harm Health

The COVID-19 pandemic has magnified existing policy challenges and created significant economic disruption leading to high numbers of unemployment, financial insecurity, and…

October 5, 2020

Discovery & Impact

New study shows benefits, limits of cash transfers

Cash transfers to young people in Rwanda were more effective than a job training program in helping them build assets, increase savings, and improve productivity, according to a…

September 11, 2020

Discovery & Impact

Removing Red Tape: McCourt School Research Helps Support Domestic Violence Survivors

McCourt professors Pamela Herd and Don Moynihan’s research on administrative burdens inspired the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office to design a new system to improve…

September 2, 2020


Who is missing from administrative data?

Government programs and systems keep detailed records of eligibility and other participant information in order to provide benefits, track budgets, comply with laws, and assess…

August 6, 2020

Discovery & Impact

What will it cost to save Washington, D.C.’s renters from COVID-19 eviction?

The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent recession have caused considerable economic stress for the residents of Washington, D.C. Nearly 35% of District households reported some loss…

July 27, 2020

University News

Using Administrative Data for Economic Stimulus

The coronavirus pandemic is causing economic damage the US has not seen in a generation, and the aftershocks of the health, economic, and social crisis will undoubtedly be felt…

July 21, 2020


New Publication from Ethics Lab and MDI: Ethics of Administrative Data Sharing

July 17, 2020

Discovery & Impact

Capture the Fugitive Gas: New Study Proposes Two Ideas to Design More Effective Policies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Capturing and using the methane that is released during oil extraction, known as fugitive gas emissions, and selling it as natural gas could be a cost-effective and pro…

May 20, 2020

Discovery & Impact

Vocational Training Provides Benefits to Families Beyond Short-term Increases in Income

The benefit of vocational technical training is generally measured by post-training earned income. However, in a new study, McCourt professor Adriana Kugler and co-authors…

May 13, 2020