TPP Fellowship: Tech Policy Press

The McCourt School of Public Policy is pleased to invite applicants for the Spring 2024 Tech & Public Policy Fellowship. The Fellowship will provide up to three graduate students enrolled in a Georgetown University program in academic year 2024-25 and 2025-26 with the opportunity to work directly with Tech Policy Press, a nonprofit media venture intended to provoke new ideas, debate, and discussion at the intersection of technology and democracy. 

At a time of great challenge to democracies globally, Tech Policy Press seeks to advance a pro-democracy movement in tech and tech policy. We engage in a range of activities to support its mission:

The goal of the fellowship is to deepen and expand Tech Policy Press policy research efforts, including documenting regulations, legislation, litigation, and other policy actions that seek to govern technology across the world. Fellows will regularly engage with staff to identify, research, and track issues and policies at the intersection of tech and democracy to further develop and build out key resources on Tech Policy Press’s website, including a policy tracker and research library. Fellows will develop substantive summaries of policy items for publication on our website, and identify research, papers, and other resources to further inform readers. Fellows may also have the opportunity to contribute an original analysis for publication, such as a cross-country comparison of policies. The work will help deepen students’ understanding of tech policy issues and solutions and help them gain experience researching and writing on complex topics for an expert audience.