
220 Articles

Student Experience

Project Honduras Raises More Than $8,500 at Annual Auction

Project Honduras, GPPI’s student-led sustainable service learning project, raised more than $8,500 at its annual service auction last.…

February 12, 2013

Student Experience

Project Honduras Receives $20,000 Grant

Congratulations to GPPI student group Project Honduras, the recipients of a $20,000 grant from the Environmental Resources Management (ERM) Group Foundation in support of their…

December 7, 2012

Student Experience

Veteran, Activist Awarded Scholarship, Featured in Film

Student Maggie Smith - veteran, activist and GPPSA service chair - is the recipient of this year's Whittington.…

November 9, 2012

Student Experience

GPPI Names Internship Fund Awardees

Congratulations to Adina Appelbaum, Molly Dillon, Danielle Parnass, and Kate Tibone, the four recipients of the Georgetown Public Policy Institute 2012 Internship.…

June 4, 2012

Student Experience

Georgetown Public Policy Review Journal Hosts Launch Party

The GPPI community celebrated the launch of the 2011-12 Georgetown Public Policy Review, and the debut of first annual "Graduate Thesis."…

April 26, 2012

Student Experience

Sustainable Development Class Visits Polyface Farms

GPPI’s Sustainable Development class recently spent the day at Polyface Farm, a “family owned, multi-generational, pasture-based, beyond organic, local-market farm and…

April 4, 2012

Student Experience

GPPI Students Travel to Ottawa

GPPI goes to Ottawa, Canada over spring break to participate in an exchange program with the School of Public Policy and Administration (SPPA) at Carleton.…

March 22, 2012

Student Experience

P-POUT Dinner Addresses Diversity in the Workplace

Into its second year, the Alumni-Student Diversity Dinner brings together LGBTQ and allied Georgetown University alumni and students to discuss diversity in the…

March 20, 2012

Student Experience

Project Honduras: Increasing Access to Safe Water in Honduras

Over spring break, 11 GPPI students traveled to La Colonia, Balfate on the island of Roatán, Honduras to follow up the water filtration project they began implementing last.…

March 15, 2012

Student Experience

2012 GPPI Student Conference

This year's GPPI Student Conference addressed issues facing international development, U.S. policymaking in the developing world, and the transformation of business and…

March 9, 2012