77 Articles
- Discovery & Impact
- Research
What will it cost to save Washington, D.C.’s renters from COVID-19 eviction?
The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent recession have caused considerable economic stress for the residents of Washington, D.C. Nearly 35% of District households reported some loss…
July 27, 2020
- Research
- University News
Using Administrative Data for Economic Stimulus
The coronavirus pandemic is causing economic damage the US has not seen in a generation, and the aftershocks of the health, economic, and social crisis will undoubtedly be felt…
July 21, 2020
- Research
New Publication from Ethics Lab and MDI: Ethics of Administrative Data Sharing
July 17, 2020
- Discovery & Impact
- Research
Capture the Fugitive Gas: New Study Proposes Two Ideas to Design More Effective Policies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Capturing and using the methane that is released during oil extraction, known as fugitive gas emissions, and selling it as natural gas could be a cost-effective and pro…
May 20, 2020
- Discovery & Impact
- Research
Vocational Training Provides Benefits to Families Beyond Short-term Increases in Income
The benefit of vocational technical training is generally measured by post-training earned income. However, in a new study, McCourt professor Adriana Kugler and co-authors…
May 13, 2020
- Discovery & Impact
- General News
- Research
Twitter and COVID-19: Preliminary Study Finds Information and Misinformation Equally Shared
Sharing of credible health information on Twitter about COVID-19 is roughly keeping pace with sharing of misinformation on the internet, according to a new study by the McCourt…
April 3, 2020
- General News
- Research
- University News
How Americans View Women in Politics, Examined in 6 Charts
A recent report from McCourt’s Center on Education and the…
March 6, 2020