Wendy Jeffries

Current position and employer: Founder & Lead Consultant, Spark Solutions Consulting

Wendy is the founder and Lead Consultant of Spark Solutions Consulting, which specializes in capacity building, leadership & program development, and corporate responsibility. She loves supporting growth in organizations and teams by providing outcome driven creative solutions that are inclusive and sustainable. Previously, Wendy was the founding Executive Director for nine years of TasteWise Kids, a Baltimore City non-profit teaching food literacy skills and empowering kids to build healthy eating habits.

Hometown: Silver Spring, MD

Current City: Baltimore, MD

Why did you choose McCourt? I was working in DC and wanted to also get my Masters in Public Policy. I chose Georgetown for its rigorous program and focus on data.

What was the best part of your experience? The best part was the fellow students and getting to dig into education policy issues.

Undergraduate university, degree, and major: Wesleyan University, BA in American Government and Public Policy

Hobbies / Interests: Running, reading, travel, cooking, and new experiences with my kids