Sean Hambali

Hometown: Jakarta, Indonesia

Current City: Washington, DC

Why did you choose McCourt? I’ve always wanted to work in the public sector, driven by the desire to contribute to the development of policies that enhance the well-being of people, especially the marginalized community. My prior work experience also highlights the significance of using data to address crucial policy questions and evaluating policy impacts. I chose McCourt’s DSPP program to further pursue these interests; the program offers a rare and valuable intersection between data science and public policy, equipping me with the technical skillset and competencies essential for my future career aspirations.

What professional/ work experience did you have prior to coming to McCourt? For more than three years, I worked concurrently as a research analyst at the World Bank and the Institute for Economic and Social Research in Indonesia. In these roles, I performed research-based consultancy services for both private and government clients across various sectors, helping them make informed decisions based on data. Additionally, I had the opportunity to publish several academic papers based on these consultancy projects.

What has been the best part of your experience so far? For me, the highlight of my DSPP experience has been the opportunity to work and interact with my diverse cohort. Our cohort is small, consisting of only around 30 students, allowing for frequent interaction and collaboration. These interactions have broadened my perspective and enhanced my understanding on various issues. Additionally, I really enjoy the coursework I’ve had so far and found it to be very beneficial, as it has equipped me with the necessary tools to create positive changes in the policy sectors that I am most passionate about.

What internships have you had so far during your time at McCourt? I’m currently working as a research assistant at the Georgetown University Initiative on Innovation, Development and Evaluation (gui2de), where I’m assisting the team in upscaling a nationwide teacher pay-for-performance contract program in Rwanda while also studying the impact of that program on student learning outcomes.

Undergraduate University, degree, and major: Universitas Indonesia, Bachelor in Economics

Hobbies/ Interests: I really like doing outdoor activities, and I also enjoy doing some sports activities, such as playing tennis, badminton, and table tennis. In my free time, I like to get on social media to catch up on recent interesting economics papers, as well as to keep up with the latest developments in data science and quantitative analysis methods.