Sai Srujana Illa

Current position and employer: Research Assistant, Massive Data Institute, Georgetown University

Hometown: Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India

Current City: Washington, DC

Why did you choose McCourt? I was interested in exploring Data Science applications for Public Policy. McCourt was one of the very few schools which had a program integrating both these streams. Location was also a major consideration. Being in Washington DC does help a lot in terms of work opportunities. I am glad I chose McCourt.

What professional/ work experience did you have prior to coming to McCourt? I worked as a planning analyst with ExxonMobil for 3 years before coming to McCourt. My work was focused on developing analytical tools to aid business managers in decision making.

What has been the best part of your experience so far? The best part of my experience is being able to meet amazing peers, professors and coworkers. McCourt offers a lot of research opportunities, workshops and events through which you people with diverse backgrounds, interests and skills. It is great to connect and learn from each other.

What internships have you had so far during your time at McCourt? I interned with World Bank during the summer of 2022. I worked with the Governance and Institution Building unit of DIME on a Public Health project. My work involved analysing Estonia’s Electronic Health Records and developing a Machine learning pipeline to predict health risk. I also worked with Massive Data Institute (MDI) on a health project involving text analytics.

Student organization involvement while at McCourt: I am a part of GTPI (Georgetown Tech Policy Initiative) and GPPR’s Data Visualization team.

Undergraduate University, degree, and major: National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India, Mechanical Engineering

Hobbies/ Interests: My policy interests are in governance & accountability and public health. I am also specifically interested in NLP based projects.

Reach out to me about:  Feel free to connect with me on moving to DC, choosing electives and internship search.