Lidia Guzmn

Current position and employer: Sustainable Fashion Program Coordinator at Conservation International

Hometown: Madrid, Spain

Current City: Washington, DC

Why did you choose McCourt? Because of its rigorous program, faculty, and for its location in DC – a global policy hub.

What professional/ work experience did you have prior to coming to McCourt? I used to work in the fashion industry from the private sector side, where I realized how much it needed to change to have a positive effect on society and the environment. As a highly globalized industry, there is great potential to improve the lives of millions around the globe. My next step is to get the four main sectors involved – public and private sector, academia and NGOs – to collaborate towards a common goal. To be able to build this alliance, I first needed to understand Public Policy, and be where it all happens.

What was the best part of your experience? It is a lot of work, but I have some of the best professors I have had in my life, and my learning curve is as steep as it has ever been. Also, the friends I have made are some of the most extraordinary people I have ever met.

Student organization involvement while at McCourt: McCourt Policy in Practice (MPiP)

What internships did you have during your time at McCourt? In Summer 2022, I was the Assistant to the Public Affairs Director with Global Fashion Agenda, a not-for-profit organization with the aim to create a net positive fashion industry.

In Fall 2022, I was part of the Policy team at the American Apparel and Footwear Association (AAFA), specifically working on the Forced Labor and Transparency working groups, as well as supporting the team on European Textile Policies and South East Asia textile related trade and labor agreements.

Undergraduate University, degree, and major: King’s College London, Bsc in Business Management

Hobbies/ Interests: Swimming, any form of visual art, and travelling to learn about different people and cultures.