Katie Faryniarz

Hometown: Riverside, CT

Current City: Washington, DC

Why did you choose McCourt? I chose McCourt because I didn’t think there could be a better place to study policy than in Washington, DC. I am hoping to focus my career on foreign policy and diplomacy, and I knew that being in DC would provide me with opportunities to become involved and connected with the international community. I was right in making that assumption – since starting at McCourt I’ve made countless friends from all around the world, learned from professors who are global experts in their fields, and attended talks and events with leading foreign policymakers.

What professional/ work experience did you have prior to coming to McCourt? Before McCourt I spent four years in Chicago as a project coordinator and project manager for a medical advocacy agency. In these roles I worked with pharmaceutical companies, patient advocacy groups, and health care non-profits to promote better access to care for patients with a wide range of diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, rare diseases, lung cancer, and many others. During my undergrad years I had several politically-oriented internships, including on gubernatorial and mayoral campaigns, at a political consulting firm, and with the Wisconsin Alumni Association doing State policy.

What has been the best part of your experience so far? The best part of my time at McCourt has been the people I’ve been fortunate enough to meet and engage with since being here. My classes are made up of so many people with different backgrounds and distinct perspectives that I constantly feel like I’m learning something new. At the same time, the professors are incredible! I’ve been fortunate to take courses with professors who are incredibly well-established in their careers yet still so passionate about training the next generation of policymakers.

What internships have you had so far during your time at McCourt? This summer I was a Fellow with the Montgomery County Council in Maryland. During the Fellowship I worked on the County’s open data platform, DataMontgomery, to ensure data was updated and accurate. Simultaneously, I worked on a proposal for a pilot program to address food insecurity and food justice in Montgomery County through the introduction of transit stop farm stands in some of the County’s low-access food areas. Along with the other Fellows I presented my project to the County Council at the end of July for their consideration, and hope they’ll start the pilot next summer!

Student organization involvement while at McCourt: I am an Associate with McCourt Policy in Practice (MPiP), and regularly attend events hosted by the Women in Public Policy Initiative (WiPPI).

Undergraduate University, degree, and major: I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2018, where I double-majored in Legal Studies and Environmental Studies with a concentration on global health and human rights.

Hobbies/ Interests: Outside of school I love to go see live music, visit local farmers markets, take film photos around the city, and try new restaurants.

Reach out to me about: Anything: moving to DC, managing being back in school after a few years, struggling with quant classes, getting to know DC, etc.