Ideruugan Galbaatar

Current position and employer: Consultant, World Bank

Hometown: Khuvsul, Mongolia

Current City: Washington, DC

Why did you choose McCourt? I chose McCourt for two reasons. First, the MPP curriculum. Through many elective courses, McCourt allows MPP students to design their programs. When I was applying, I was not sure which policy area I wanted to focus on. However, all student clubs, programs, and activities at McCourt help me a lot. The second, the location. I found DC is a great place to expand your professional network, especially with people who work in the area you’re interested in.

What professional/ work experience did you have prior to coming to McCourt? Born in a nomadic community in Northern Mongolia, like most boys, I loved to ride horses. After high school, I moved to the capital city to earn an engineering degree in Aircraft Maintenance. After a few years working as an engineer at domestic Airlines, I joined the Public Affairs Section at the U.S. Embassy Ulaanbaatar. I had the privilege of promoting education all over Mongolia- a country that is the size of Western Europe. During these trips, not only did I have the chance to meet all provincial governors and hundreds of NGO representatives and business owners to learn about local policy coherence, but I was also able to interact with over 20,000 boys and girls from all walks of life. The people I have met and the voices I heard from such diverse backgrounds inspired me to pursue a career to shape policies that can impact their lives.

What was the best part of your experience? The Old North community! As an international student, I have got a lot of questions about the education system, cultural differences, even small things like printer-related questions, but I always knew that everyone in the Old North would help you to figure out. These people make my McCourt experience even better.

Student organization involvement while at McCourt:

Undergraduate University, degree, and major:

Hobbies/ Interests: Outdoor activities