Breah Dean

Current position and employer: Project Manager at J.E. Austin Associates, Inc.

Hometown: Bloomfield Hills, MI

Current City: Los Angeles, CA

Why did you choose McCourt? Location, location, location! DC is unbeatable if you’re thinking of entering the policy world. There are many great programs to choose from, but McCourt has a comparative advantage as an academically rigorous university at the heart of the policy sector. All other universities will bring you to DC for recruitment, but McCourt will bring DC to you.

What was best part of your experience? Hands down the best part of McCourt was the people in my cohort! I was expressly looking for a program that values diversity and collaboration, and I found it here at McCourt. The people I have met here have far exceeded my expectations; they are kind, generous, brilliant, and supportive, and they have made my experience here truly special.

What internships did you have during your time at McCourt? Research Assistant at Georgetown University’s Center for Retirement Initiatives, Summer-Fall 2020

Student organization involvement while at McCourt:

McCourt Policy in Practice (MPiP), Co-Chair
McCourt Student Association (MSA), Director of Incoming Students
Women in Public Policy Initiatives (WiPPI), General Member

Undergraduate Degree and University: I have a dual BA in Romance Languages (Spanish and French), and Organizational Development Studies from the University of Michigan (Go Blue!).

Hobbies / Interests: In my (very limited) free time, I like to box, cook veggie food, and hike. My interests include languages, positive organizational change, environmental change, gender equality, and international development.