Abbey Basa

Why did you choose McCourt? Georgetown University is close to home for me while also located at the center of politics and law, offering a program to complete your JD and MPP in four years! It offers a variety of opportunities within the school and opens doors to experiences at all levels of government, the private sector, and nonprofit organizations to start a successful career in government. Georgetown was (and still is) my dream school!

What professional/ work experience did you have prior to coming to McCourt? I worked as a researcher at the Virginia Tech Center for Public Administration and Policy studying Artificial Intelligence and Tech applications in the public sector. Additionally, I worked at the American Public Health Association and Bipartisan Policy Center on education policy. This work focused on childcare in Native American communities, mental healthcare in public schools, and educational attainment in rural America.

What has been the best part of your experience so far? The people at Georgetown University are what make the experience! Between professors that are willing to lend their extensive knowledge and are excited to talk to students to an engaged and friendly MPP cohort which fosters a collaborative environment, Georgetown feels like a home away from home.

What internships have you had so far during your time at McCourt? Over the summer I was a policy intern at the US Department of Health and Human Services (association for children and families). At HHS I worked on grants policy for refugee resettlement and head start.

Student organization involvement while at McCourt: During my time at McCourt I was a member of the technology policy initiative, education policy initiative, and the European policy organization as well as participated as a contributor to the civic tech conversations seminar series.

Undergraduate University, degree, and major: Virginia Tech, Bachelor of Arts in History

Hobbies/ Interests: Reading about history, Ice skating, Exploring Technology Policy, Education Policy, and Border Studies

Reach out to me about: Anything! Here are some possibilities: Moving to DC, Classes at GU, Applying to GU, Policy or Legal interests