Health & Healthcare Policy

The Children’s Health Insurance Program At 25

Sindhu, K., Alker, Joan C., and Adashi, Eli Y. (2022). “The Children’s Health Insurance Program At 25.” Jama.

State Balance-Billing Protections

Kona, Maanasa. (2021) “State Balance-Billing Protections.” map, Commonwealth Fund.

Why the Number of Uninsured Children is Going Up: A Conversation with Professor Joan Alker

Interview by Jennifer Powley. (2021). “Why the Number of Uninsured Children is Going Up: A Conversation with Professor Joan Alker.” Harvard Health Policy Review.

Nursing Home Residents and Workers Need More than COVID-19 Vaccinations

Swartz, K and Feder, J. (2021). “Nursing Home Residents and Workers Need More than COVID-19 Vaccinations.” Milbank Quarterly Opinion.

Time for a Change: The COVID-19 Nursing Home Disaster and the Urgency of LTSS Reform

Swartz, K and Feder, J. (2021). “Time for a Change: The COVID-19 Nursing Home Disaster and the Urgency of LTSS Reform”. JHHSA, Vol. 44 No. 3, 195-218.

Veil-of-ignorance reasoning mitigates self-serving bias in resource allocation during the COVID-19 crisis

Huang, K.*, Bernhard, R.*, Barak-Corren, N., Bazerman, M., & Greene, J.D. (*indicates shared first-authorship). (2021) “Veil-of-ignorance reasoning mitigates self-serving bias in resource allocation during the COVID-19 crisis.” Judgment and Decision Making, 16, 1: 1-19.

Closing the Remaining Gaps in Children’s Coverage

Alker, Joan, Kenny, Genevieve,  and  Rosenbaum, Sara. (2020).  “Closing the Remaining Gaps in Children’s Coverage.” Health Affairs special issue on Children’s Health, 39, 10: 1743-1751.

The COVID-19 crisis: How do U.S. employment and health outcomes compare to other OECD countries?

Holzer, Harry J. (2020). “The COVID-19 crisis: How do U.S. employment and health outcomes compare to other OECD countries?” The Brookings Institution.

The Science of Gun Policy: A Critical Synthesis of Research Evidence on the Effects of Gun Policies in the United States, Second Edition

Smart, Rosanna., Morral, Andrew R., Smucker, Sierra., Cherney, Samantha., et al. (2020). “The Science of Gun Policy: A Critical Synthesis of Research Evidence on the Effects of Gun Policies in the United States.” RAND Corporation.

The COVID-19 Pandemic: Insurer Insights into Challenges, Implications, and Lessons Learned

Lucia K., Blumberg L., Curran E., Holahan J., Wengle E., Hoppe O., and Corlette S. (2020). “The COVID-19 Pandemic: Insurer Insights into Challenges, Implications, and Lessons Learned.” Urban Institute. U.S. Health Reform – Monitoring and Impact.

The ACA’s Effect On The Individual Insurance Market

Corlette S., Blumberg L., Lucia K. (2020). “The ACA’s Effect On The Individual Insurance Market.” Health Affairs Vol. 39:>3, 436-444.

Effect of early-stage Alzheimer’s disease on household financial outcomes

Gresenz, CRMitchell, JMMarrone, JFederoff, H. (2020). “Effect of early-stage Alzheimer’s disease on household financial outcomes.” Health Economics20202918– 29.

States Step Up to Protect Insurance Markets and Consumers from Short-Term Health Plans

Palanker, Dania., Kona, Maanasa., and Curran, Emily. (2019).  “States Step Up to Protect Insurance Markets and Consumers from Short-Term Health Plans.” Commonwealth Fund.

The Administration Tried to Make It Easier for States to Waive ACA Rules: Will Any Take the Plunge?

Giovannelli, Justin and Volk, JoAnn. (2019). “The Administration Tried to Make It Easier for States to Waive ACA Rules: Will Any Take the Plunge?” To the Point (blog), Commonwealth Fund.

Federal Rule Creating New Health Coverage Option for Employers Could Destabilize the Individual Market

Volk, JoAnn  and Lucia, Kevin. (2019). “Federal Rule Creating New Health Coverage Option for Employers Could Destabilize the Individual Market.” To the Point (blog), Commonwealth Fund.

States Looking to Run Their Own Health Insurance Marketplace See Opportunity for Funding, Flexibility

Schwab, Rachel and Volk, JoAnn. (2019). “States Looking to Run Their Own Health Insurance Marketplace See Opportunity for Funding, Flexibility,” To the Point (blog), Commonwealth Fund

Nation’s Youngest Children Lose Health Coverage at an Alarming Rate

Burak, Elizabeth Wright. (2019). “Nation’s Youngest Children Lose Health Coverage at an Alarming Rate.” Georgetown University Center for Children and Families.

How the Lawsuit to Overturn the Affordable Care Act Would Further Harm Medicaid and CHIP Coverage of Children

Park, Edwin. (2019). “How the Lawsuit to Overturn the Affordable Care Act Would Further Harm Medicaid and CHIP Coverage of Children.” Georgetown University Center for Children and Families.

Medicaid and CHIP Enrollment Decline Suggests the Child Uninsured Rate May Rise Again

Brooks, Tricia and Park, Edwin. (2019). “Medicaid and CHIP Enrollment Decline Suggests the Child Uninsured Rate May Rise Again.” Georgetown University Center for Children and Families.

The Questions to Ask When Assessing the Impact of Coverage Expansion Proposals on Children

Park, Edwin and Alker, Joan. (2019). “The Questions to Ask When Assessing the Impact of Coverage Expansion Proposals on Children.” Georgetown University Center for Children and Families.

How to Strengthen the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program to Address Rising Medicaid Prescription Drug Costs

Park, Edwin. (2019). “How to Strengthen the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program to Address Rising Medicaid Prescription Drug Costs.” Georgetown University Center for Children and Families.

Herd, Pamela. (2019). “Social and Population Health Science Approaches to Understanding the Human Gut Microbiome.” UCL Institute of Education.

Opioids and Children and Adolescents: Information for Oral Health Professionals

Barzel R, Holt K. (2019). “Opioids and Children and Adolescents: Information for Oral Health Professionals.” Washington, DC: National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center.

Close social relationships correlate with human gut microbiota composition

Dill-McFarland, Kimberly A., Tang, Zheng-Zheng., Kemis, Julia H., Kerby, Robert L., Chen, Guanhua., Palloni, Alberto., Sorenson, Thomas., Rey, Federico E. & Herd, Pamela. (2019). “Close social relationships correlate with human gut microbiota composition.” Scientific Reports volume 9, Article number: 703.

The Marketing of Short-Term Health Plans
Corlette, Sabrina., Lucia, Kevin., Palanker, Dania & Hoppe, Olivia. (2019). “The Marketing of Short-Term Health Plans.” Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

New York’s 2014 Law to Protect Consumers from Surprise Out-of-Network Bills Mostly Working as Intended: Results of a Case Study

Corlette, Sabrina. & Hoppe, Olivia. (2019). “New York’s 2014 Law to Protect Consumers from Surprise Out-of-Network Bills Mostly Working as Intended: Results of a Case Study.” Georgetown University Health Policy Institute.

Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility, Enrollment, and Cost Sharing Policies as of January 2019: Findings from a 50-State Survey

Brooks, Tricia., Roygardner, Lauren. & Artiga, Samantha. (2019). “Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility, Enrollment, and Cost Sharing Policies as of January 2019: Findings from a 50-State Survey.”

Medicaid and CHIP Enrollment Decline Suggests the Child Uninsured Rate May Rise Again

Brooks, Tricia., Park, Edwin. & Roygardner, Lauren. (2019). “Medicaid and CHIP Enrollment Decline Suggests the Child Uninsured Rate May Rise Again.” Georgetown University Health Policy Institute.

Zero-Premium Health Insurance Plans Became More Prevalent In Federal Marketplaces In 2018

Branham, Douglas K. & DeLeire, Thomas. (2019). Zero-Premium Health Insurance Plans Became More Prevalent In Federal Marketplaces In 2018. Health Affair. Vol. 38 (5).

Parents’ and Caregivers’ Health Insurance Supports Children’s Healthy Development

Burka, Elizabeth  Wright. (2019). “Parents’ and Caregivers’ Health Insurance Supports Children’s Healthy Development.” Society for Research in Child Development.

How the New Public Charge Rule Impacts Children in Immigrant Communities

Whitener, Kelly. (2019). “How the New Public Charge Rule Impacts Children in Immigrant Communities.” Georgetown University Center for Children and Families.

Medicaid’s role in Connecticut’s economy, health system, and budget

Park, Edwin. (2018). “Medicaid’s role in Connecticut’s economy, health system, and budget.” The Connecticut Health Foundation.

Health Care Sharing Ministries: What Are the Risks to Consumers and Insurance Markets?

Volk, JoAnn., Curran, Emily., and Giovannelli, Justin. (2018). “Health Care Sharing Ministries: What Are the Risks to Consumers and Insurance Markets?” Commonwealth Fund.

Court Strikes Down a Trump Administration Rule Designed to Circumvent the Affordable Care Act

Giovannelli, Justin and Lucia, Kevin. (2018). “Court Strikes Down a Trump Administration Rule Designed to Circumvent the Affordable Care Act.” To the Point (blog), Commonwealth Fund

Promoting Young Children’s Healthy Development in Medicaid and CHIP

Burak, Elizabeth Wright. (2018). “Promoting Young Children’s Healthy Development in Medicaid and CHIP.” Georgetown University Center for Children and Families.

Genetic analysis of social-class mobility in five longitudinal studies

Belsky, Daniel W., Domingue, Benjamin W., et al. (2018). “Genetic analysis of social-class mobility in five longitudinal studies.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, Vol. 115, No. 31.

A New Public-Private Partnership: Catastrophic Public and Front-End Private LTC Insurance

Cohen, Marc., Feder, Judith. & Favreault, Melissa M. (2018). “A New Public-Private Partnership: Catastrophic Public and Front-End Private LTC Insurance.” Urban Institute.

How Does Expansion of Public Health Insurance Affect Risk Pools and Premiums In the Market for Private Health Insurance? Evidence from Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act Marketplaces

Sen, Aditi P., & DeLeire, Thomas. (2018). How does expansion of public health insurance affect risk pools and premiums in the market for private health insurance? Evidence from Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act Marketplaces. Health Economics, Vol. 27, pp. 1877– 1903.

New Rules to Expand Association Health Plans

Corlette, Sabrina., Hammerquist, Josh. & Nakahata, Pete. (2018). “New Rules to Expand Association Health Plans.” The Actuary.

Financing Long-term Services and Supports: Challenges, Goals, and Needed Reforms

Marc A. Cohen & Judith, Feder. (2018). “Financing long-term services and supports: challenges, goals, and needed reforms.” Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 30:3-4, pp. 209-226.

Genetic Analysis of Social-class Mobility in Five Longitudinal Studies

Daniel W. Belsky, Benjamin W. Domingue, Robbee, Wedow, Louise, Arseneault, Jason D. Boardman, Avshalom, Caspi, Dalton, Conley, Jason M. Fletcher, Jeremy, Freese, Pamela, Herd, Terrie E. Moffitt, Richie, Poulton, Kamil, Sicinski, Jasmin, Wertz, & Kathleen Mullan Harris. (2018). “Genetic analysis of social-class mobility in five longitudinal studies.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

How Can We Tell Whether Medicaid MCOs are Doing a Good Job for Kids?

Schneider, Andy. (2018). “How Can We Tell Whether Medicaid MCOs are Doing a Good Job for Kids?” Georgetown University Center for Children & Families (CCF).

How to Reduce Improper Payments in Medicaid

Schneider, Andy. (2018). “How to Reduce Improper Payments in Medicaid.” Georgetown University Center for Children & Families (CCF).

State Regulation of Coverage Options Outside of the Affordable Care Act: Limiting the Risk to the Individual Market

K. Lucia, J. Giovannelli, S. Corlette et al. (2018). “State Regulation of Coverage Options Outside of the Affordable Care Act: Limiting the Risk to the Individual Market.”  The Commonwealth Fund.

To Understand How Consumers Are Faring in the Individual Health Insurance Markets, Watch the States

Giovannelli, Justin., Lucia, Kevin., and Corlette, Sabrina. (2018). “To Understand How Consumers Are Faring in the Individual Health Insurance Markets, Watch the States.” To the Point (blog), Commonwealth Fund.

Using Medicaid to Ensure the Healthy Social and Emotional Development of Infants and Toddlers

Burak, Elizabeth Wright and Rolfes-Haase, Kelly. (2018). “Using Medicaid to Ensure the Healthy Social and Emotional Development of Infants and Toddlers.” Georgetown University Center for Children and Families.

Lawsuit Threatens Affordable Care Act Preexisting Condition Protections But Impact Will Depend on Where You Live

Corlette, Sabrina., Kona, Maanasa., and Giovannelli, Justin. (2018). “Lawsuit Threatens Affordable Care Act Preexisting Condition Protections But Impact Will Depend on Where You Live.” To the Point (blog), Commonwealth Fund.

Direct Primary Care Arrangements Raise Questions for State Insurance Regulators

Kona, Maanasa., Lucia, Kevin., and Corlette, Sabrina. (2018). “Direct Primary Care Arrangements Raise Questions for State Insurance Regulators.” To the Point (blog), Commonwealth Fund.

Short-Term Plans Could Bring Long-Term Risks to California’s Individual Market

Palanker, Dania., Lucia, Kevin., Volk, JoAnn., and Schwab, Rachel. (2018). “Short-Term Plans Could Bring Long-Term Risks to California’s Individual Market.” California Health Care Foundation.

How Proposed Changes to Public Charge Would Impact Children in Immigrant Communities

Whitener, Kelly. (2018). “How Proposed Changes to Public Charge Would Impact Children in Immigrant Communities.” Georgetown University Center for Children & Families.

Balance Billing by Health Care Providers: Assessing Consumer Protections Across States

Lucia, Kevin., Hoadley, Jack., and Williams, Ashley. (2017). “Balance Billing by Health Care Providers: Assessing Consumer Protections Across States.” Commonwealth Fund.

Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Insurance Component 2016 Chartbook

Vistnes, Jessica., Miller, Edward., Cooper, Philip., Kashihara, David., Keenan, Patricia., Moriya, Asako. & Schone, Barbara. (2017). “Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Insurance Component 2016 Chartbook.” Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

Nursing: Can it remain a source of upward mobility amidst healthcare turmoil?

Carnevale, Anthony P., Smith, Nicole. & Gulish, Artem. (2017). “NURSING: Can It Remain a Source of Upward Mobility Amidst Healthcare Turmoil?” McCourt School of Public Policy.

Do Individuals Respond to Cost-sharing Subsidies In Their Selections of Marketplace Health Insurance Plans?

DeLeire, Thomas., Chappel, Andre., Finegold, Kenneth. & Gee, Emily. (2017). Do individuals respond to cost-sharing subsidies in their selections of marketplace health insurance plans?, Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 56, pp. 71-86.

The Effect of Public Insurance Coverage for Childless Adults on Labor Supply

Dague, Laura., DeLeire, Thomas. & Leininger, Lindsey. (2017). “The Effect of Public Insurance Coverage for Childless Adults on Labor Supply.” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Vol. 9 (2), pp. 124-54.

Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Insurance Component Chartbook 2016

Vistnes, Jessica.,  Miller, G. Edward., Cooper, Philip.,  Kashihara, David., Keenan, Patricia., Moriya, Asako., & Schone, Barbara. (2017). “Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Insurance Component Chartbook 2016.” Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Publication No. 17-0034-EF.

Measuring and Improving Health Care Quality for Children in Medicaid and CHIP: A Primer for Child Health Stakeholders

Brooks, Tricia. (2016). “Measuring and Improving Health Care Quality for Children in Medicaid and CHIP: A Primer for Child Health Stakeholders.” Georgetown University Health Policy Institute.

Regulation of Health Plan Provider Networks

Giovannelli, Justin., Lucia, Kevin., and Corlette, Sabrina. (2016). “Regulation of Health Plan Provider Networks.” Health Affairs Health Policy Brief.

“Mind the Gap”: Researchers Ignore Politics at Their Own Risk

Feder, Judith. (2016). “Mind the Gap”: Researchers Ignore Politics at Their Own Risk. J Health Polit Policy Law 1 February 2016; Vol. 41 (1), pp. 141–146.

The Future of Children’s Health Coverage: Children in the Marketplace

Whitener, Kelly., Volk, JoAnn., Miskell, Sean., and Alker, Joan. (2016). “The Future of Children’s Health Coverage: Children in the Marketplace.” Georgetown University Center for Children & Families.

Medicaid/CHIP Managed Care Regulations: Network Adequacy and Access to Services

Whitener, Kelly. (2016). “Medicaid/CHIP Managed Care Regulations: Network Adequacy and Access to Services.” Georgetown University Center for Children & Families. Got The Math Wrong For Dependents With Social Security Income And It May Be Costing Families Thousands

Tricia, Brooks. (2015). “ Got The Math Wrong For Dependents With Social Security Income And It May Be Costing Families Thousands.” Georgetown University Health Policy Institute.

The Effect of Absenteeism and Clinic Protocol on Health Outcomes: The Case of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Kenya

Goldstein, Markus., Joshua, Zivin., James, Habyarimana., Cristian, Eleches. & Harsha, Thirumurthy. (2013). “The Effect of Absenteeism and Clinic Protocol on Health Outcomes: The Case of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Kenya.” American Economic Journal, Vol. 5 (2) pp. 58-85.

Collaborative Learning and Technology Skills Development: Evaluation of an Online Annual Grantee Meeting

Richards, J., Edwards, K., Lackey, M. et al. (2012). “Collaborative Learning and Technology Skills Development: Evaluation of an Online Annual Grantee Meeting.” Matern Child Health J 16, 1549–1552.

Beyond Referral: Pediatric Care Linkages to Improve Developmental Health

Fine, Amy and Mayer, Rochelle. (2006). “Beyond Referral: Pediatric Care Linkages to Improve Developmental Health.” Commonwealth Fund.