GPPI Students Travel to Ottawa
GPPI goes to Ottawa, Canada over spring break to participate in an exchange program with the School of Public Policy and Administration (SPPA) at Carleton University.

— Six Georgetown Public Policy Institute (GPPI) students traveled to Ottawa, Canada over spring break to participate in an exchange program with the School of Public Policy and Administration (SPPA) at Carleton University.
The students visited historical and cultural sites in Canada’s capital, toured the Canadian Parliament, and attended a Question Period in the Canadian House of Commons. Students also met with Carleton University faculty to learn more about pressing policy issues including development of Alberta’s oil sands and Canada’s changing international relationships.
The exchange program, which marked its tenth anniversary in 2012, is designed for GPPI students interested in broadening their understanding of foreign decision-making processes but whose schedules do not allow for a lengthy study abroad program. Students and faculty from each school spend a few days in the other capital city for a series of briefings with policymakers, journalists, and academics.
This year the program received generous financial support from the U.S. Embassy in Ottawa. While in Canada, GPPI students visited the embassy to formally thank officials for their generosity as well as to learn about its role in US-Canadian relations.
In April, SPPA students will visit Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. to meet with GPPI faculty and visit various Federal agencies.