Student Experience

Georgetown Public Policy Review Journal Hosts Launch Party

Editor Group Shot

May 9, 2012– On April 26 the GPPI community gathered in the Old North student lounge to celebrate the Georgetown Public Policy Review‘s 2011-2012 accomplishments. Editor-in-Chief Amanda Huffman kicked off the celebration with a few words of thanks to the Review’s 53 student members, as well as GPPI faculty and staff, whose hard work and contributions make the Review’s work possible.

Dean Ed Montgomery followed with an eloquent toast tracing the Review’s efforts over the past academic year, which included a record-breaking year for the Review’s blog , and the launch of the blog’s “Beyond the Headlines ” political series. Dean Montgomery also commended Review staff for producing not one, but two print journals. Review staff chose “The Global Workforce: Challenges in America and Abroad” as the theme for this year’s journal, which features interviews by former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm, as well as esteemed labor economist and GPPI professor, Harry Holzer. The Review also released its first annual “Graduate Thesis Edition,” which includes theses from five GPPI alumni and holds promise as an exciting new GPPI tradition.

After the Dean’s toast, Executive Managing Editor Richard Harris filled the room with laughter with his presentation of the year’s less well-known highlights, including pictures from this year’s Casino Night fundraiser and details on the global readership of the Review’s blog.

All in all, the Review’s journal launch party was a fantastic event that gathered GPPI students, professors, and staff in a celebration of the year-long collaborative effort to promote student work.