
258 Articles

Discovery & Impact
Student Experience

Students address community health, food insecurityand other issues affecting low-income Washingtonians

The 5th annual Georgetown Public Policy Challenge tasked graduate students with developing innovative policy solutions to address local or regional issues in the Washington, D.C.…

March 20, 2019

Discovery & Impact

The Lugar Center and McCourt School Unveil Bipartisan Index Rankings for 115th Congress

The Lugar Center and the McCourt School today jointly released their new Bipartisan Index rankings of members of Congress, completing the picture of the 115th Congress (2017).…

March 19, 2019

Discovery & Impact

Technology for Public Good, Reducing Harm Aim of New University Network

Georgetown’s leadership in the emerging field of public interest technology and prime location in Washington, DC, has led it to co-found a network that will boost the field…

March 11, 2019

Discovery & Impact

Insuring Your Bitcoin: Creating More Efficient ZKPs

Georgetown’s Justin Thaler, an assistant professor in the department of computer science, has dedicated his latest research to develop new, more efficient ZKPs using his MDI…

February 19, 2019

Discovery & Impact

Network Analysis in Python

Last week, the Massive Data Institute held its second two-day data workshop that focused on teaching students, faculty, and staff about how to conduct network analysis in Python.…

February 8, 2019

Discovery & Impact
Student Experience

McCourt Student Receives Gates Foundation Grant For Venezuelan Refugee Work

There is an ongoing humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. As the Venezuelan government clings to power and denies that its people are sick, starving, and saddled with an increasingly…

January 22, 2019

Discovery & Impact
University News

McCourt Faculty Named to AEI’s Edu-Scholar Influence Rankings

Congratulations to McCourt professor Nora E. Gordon and McCourt affiliated professor Jane Hannaway, who have both been named to the American Enterprise Institute’s (AEI) Edu…

January 8, 2019

Discovery & Impact

MDI’s Laila Wahedi Wins Data Challenge on Russian Trolls

Dr. Laila Wahedi, MDI’s Postdoc Fellow, won an award for her work on Russian trolls at the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) North American Social…

January 2, 2019

Discovery & Impact

Large-scale Climate Data Workshops

Last month, the Massive Data Institute (MDI) completed its Data Workshop series that was offered throughout the fall semester. In collaborating with the Georgetown Environment…

December 10, 2018

Discovery & Impact

Using Big Data to Enhance Local Democracy

Brian J. McCabe, an Associate Professor in Georgetown’s Department of Sociology, partnered with Jennifer Heerwig, an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Stony Brook University,…

December 3, 2018