MPP Outcomes

Employment Outcomes

May 2020 MPP Graduates:
Each year, graduates are surveyed six months following graduation. Of the May 2020 graduates surveyed, employment status data was received from 92 out of 116 graduates (79%).


MPP Employment Outcomes for the Class of 2020

Employment Statistics

83%Already Employed or Accepted Offer
3%Seeking Further Education
10%Seeking Employment

Employment by Sector

46%Private Sector
31%Nonprofit Sector
23%Public Sector

Employment by Location

62%Washington, D.C. Area
16%Outside of the U.S.
22%U.S., outside of DC

Internship Outcomes

We at the McCourt School of Public Policy believe in experiential learning and support students who wish to apply their skills and gain experience while making a difference in their field of interest. Application information is provided to students in the spring semester.

Did Students Have an Internship?

27%No Internship

How Many Internships Did They Have?

28%1 Internship
40%2 Internships
32%3 Internships