McCourt Scholars

McCourt Scholars are a select group of promising future policy makers and scholars whose background, experience, and academic excellence qualify them for this prestigious award.

Each year, up to six incoming students are selected as McCourt Scholars based on the strength of their applications to the McCourt School. All full-time MPP, MIDP, MPM, and MS-DSPP students are eligible to be considered for the McCourt Scholars program, and no additional application is required. The Scholar award includes full tuition, mandatory fees, a stipend, and health insurance.

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41 Profiles available

Lillian Alexander

MIDP '20
(2018 McCourt Scholar)

Alejandra Aponte

MIDP '16
(2014 McCourt Scholar)

Elena Bagnera

MPP '22
(2020 McCourt Scholar)

William Blackmon

MPP '17
(2015 McCourt Scholar)

Adam Bouyamourn

MPP '18
(2016 McCourt Scholar)

Marlyn Bruno

MPP '23
(2021 McCourt Scholar)

Valarie Bryant

(2019 McCourt Scholar)

Kyle Burkholder

MPP '19
(2017 McCourt Scholar)

Rafael Contreras Gomez

MPP '20
(2018 McCourt Scholar)

Kiran Correa

MPP '22
(2020 McCourt Scholar)

Kristina Costa

MPM '20
(2019 McCourt Scholar)

Anupama Dathan

MPP '18
(2016 McCourt Scholar)

Austin Dempewolff

MIDP '19
(2017 McCourt Scholar)

Nancy Dietman

MPP '19
(2017 McCourt Scholar)

Lincoln Foran

MPP '20
(2018 McCourt Scholar)

Linn Groft

MPP '20
(2018 McCourt Scholar)

Michelle Harati

MPP '21
(2019 McCourt Scholar)

Sara Hidayatulla

(2022 McCourt Scholar)

Forest Jarvis

MIDP '20
(2018 McCourt Scholar)

Jessica Jones

MIDP '17
(2015 McCourt Scholar)

Rachel Jones

MIDP '17
(2015 McCourt Scholar)

Manning Kalish

(2014 McCourt Scholar)

Anna Konstantinova

MIDP '18
(2016 McCourt Scholar)

Kyuin Lee

(2022 McCourt Scholar)

Sumin Lee

MPM '23
(2022 McCourt Scholar)

Gloria Li

(2020 McCourt Scholar)

Naomi Lim

MPP '17
(2015 McCourt Scholar)

Jad Maayah

MPP '24
(2022 McCourt Scholar)

Collin Meisel

MPP '18
(2016 McCourt Scholar)

Megan Miraglia

MPP '16
(2014 McCourt Scholar)

Alvaro Altamirano Montoya

(2021 McCourt Scholar)

Fadhal Moore

MPP '21
(2019 McCourt Scholar)

Breah Mortenson

MPP '18
(2016 McCourt Scholar)

Maria Antonella Pereira

MIDP '23
(2021 McCourt Scholar)

Matt Pershe

(2019 McCourt Scholar)

Charles Fisher-Post

MPP '19
(2017 McCourt Scholar)

Leonel Prieto Novillo

(2014 McCourt Scholar)

Tasmia Rahman

MIDP '16
(2014 McCourt Scholar)

Maryam Khalid Shah

(2020 McCourt Scholar)

Aleksandra Sladojevic

MPP '19
(2017 McCourt Scholar)

Christian T. Ueland

MPP '17
(2015 McCourt Scholar)

Mariana Vazquez del Mercado Castro

MPM '21
(2020 McCourt Scholar)

Lisa T. Wright

MPM '22
(2021 McCourt Scholar)