University News

Rivlin, Domenici Discuss U.S. Debt at GPPI

On January 10, 2013, the Georgetown Public Policy Review had the distinct honor of bringing Dr. Alice Rivlin and Senator Pete Domenici—two of the foremost experts in federal budget policy—together for a conversation on the U.S. debt and deficit spending. Dr. Rivlin is a professor at the Georgetown Public Policy Institute,and has also served as founding director of the Congressional Budget Office, director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, and vice chair of the Federal Reserve. Senator Domenici served six terms in the Senate representing the state of New Mexico, where he served as the chairman of the Committee on the Budget. Together, the two led the Debt Reduction Taskforce, a component of the Bipartisan Policy Center that promotes stabilizing the debt at 60% of GDP, reforming the tax code in responsible and efficient ways, and ensuring Social Security stays solvent.

The event, Debt Reduction Revisited: A Conversation on Policy and Politics, featured both panelists’ views on the controversial world of debt and deficit reduction, including pertinent challenges to reform and opportunities for bipartisan consensus. GPPReview Executive Interview Editor and second-year student Josh Caplan moderated the panel. More than 100 students, alumni, and community members attended and had a chance to hear about new challenges and opportunities facing the federal government when it comes to budget policy, including the implications of an increasingly polarized political landscape, rising health care costs, and the fiscal cliff. For those who were not able to attend, videos are available on the Georgetown Public Policy Review’s website, at .