Tony Parsons

Hometown: Redford, MI

Current city: Oakland, California

Why did you choose McCourt? I chose McCourt because I wanted to be at a school where the action is so to speak. Being in DC, Georgetown’s McCourt school is the best institution to connect visionaries with the people that can make visions a reality. I was also attracted to McCourt’s demonstrated commitment to becoming the most inclusive public policy school in the nation. Here we learn from world renowned professors with classmates from all over the globe. Discussions have proven to be rich and insightful, and I would choose McCourt again if I had to.

What professional/ work experience did you have prior to coming to McCourt? Prior to coming to McCourt and the National Urban Fellows Program, I worked in federal child welfare policy as the Federal Policy Specialist at Youth Villages. Youth Villages is a national child welfare, mental and behavioral health, and juvenile justice non-profit. I also spent time working in higher education affairs and advocacy in Michigan as well as being an educator at a middle school.

What has been the best part of your experience so far? The best part of my McCourt experience so far has been the summer institute. While it is crazy to do six days of classes from 9am-4pm, the bonds you form with your classmates and professors are profound. In only one summer, I have found people that I will have in my personal and professional life for many years to come.

What internships have you had so far during your time at McCourt? While not an internship, I am a Policy Management Fellow at Oakland Thrives as part of my NUF fellowship. At Oakland Thrives I am utilizing many of the skills I am learning at McCourt, especially those related to public management, fiscal mapping, stakeholder analysis, and coalition building.

Student organization involvement while at McCourt: Black Perspectives on Public Policy (BPoPP)

Undergraduate University, degree, and major: Michigan State University, Public Policy

Hobbies/ Interests: My hobbies include powerlifting/bodybuilding, baking, theatre, and watching documentaries. Additional policy interests include child welfare, elections, and municipal government and policymaking.

Reach out to me about: Being a first-gen graduate student. Being a former foster youth. Not being strong at quantitative research and methods. Being a National Urban Fellow.