Tim Szarnicki

Current position and employer: Founding Executive Director of The Affordability Project and Founder, CEO of Mission Index, Inc.

Hometown and current city: San Francisco, CA

Why did you choose McCourt? The opportunity to explore thought and share professional experience with high quality, service oriented people was priceless.

What professional/ work experience did you have prior to coming to McCourt? I entered the MPM program with twelve years of work experience in the nonprofit sector focused on homeless services, youth development, workforce development, education, and extensive fundraising.

What was the best part of your experience? The people I met and the conversations we shared.

What internships did you have during your time at McCourt? I was a graduate intern at The American Enterprise Institute researching and evaluating programs focused on workforce development, the ROI of higher degrees, police reform, and re-entry programs for formerly incarcerated individuals and veterans.

Undergraduate University, degree, and major:  Gonzaga University, B.A. in Philosophy and B.A. in French

Hobbies/ Interests: Affordable Housing, strategic and equitable philanthropy, painting, cooking, life-long learning.