Moritz Ludwig

Hometown: Magdeburg, Germany

Why did you choose McCourt? Located in Washington, DC, McCourt offers numerous opportunities to engage with domestic institutions and international organizations. I looked for a school with a strong quantitative and methodological focus and was equally excited to learn about McCourt’s strong focus on foundational skills like leadership and teamwork. As an international student, the STEM-certification will allow me to more easily enter the U.S. job market after completing my graduate degree.

What professional/ work experience did you have prior to coming to McCourt? During and after my undergraduate studies in International Relations, I interned at the Aspen Institute Germany and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action in Berlin as well as at the German Mission to the United Nations in New York. Furthermore, I was a fellow at the German American Institute Saxony and conducted field research on structural transformations in the American Midwest and Eastern Germany.

What has been the best part of your experience so far? Since starting my Master’s, I have been surrounded by a cohort of incredibly inspiring, empathetic, and supportive peers. Not only the students, but also the faculty and staff show genuine interest in building a community. Together with countless events and social activities, this environment is incredibly rewarding.

Student organization involvement while at McCourt: Currently, I am part of the Student Strategy Team of Emily Horne at the Georgetown University Institute for Politics and Public Service (GU Politics). Furthermore, I am a Junior Editor in the podcast team of the Georgetown Public Policy Review (GPPR) and Associate to the President of the European Policy Organization (EPO).

Undergraduate University, degree, and major: Technische Universität Dresden & Sciences Po Bordeaux, B.A. in International Relations

Hobbies/ Interests: I am mainly interested in foreign and environmental policy, but also enjoy learning about tangent policy areas. When I’m not at McCourt or in the gym, I love to go hiking, hone my photography skills, and watch musicals.

Reach out to me about: Studying in the US as an international student, external scholarships, hunting for free food on campus