Mauricio Benard

Current position and employer: Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Guatemala to the Organization of American States (OAS)

Hometown: Guatemala City, Guatemala

Current City: Washington, DC

Why did you choose McCourt? My moral compass is oriented toward service to others and building a more just world. This is the reason I am studying at Georgetown University. I believe the McCourt School of Public Policy is an institution that builds the leaders that the world needs and will enable me to become a better public servant. I deeply respect and admire the moral principles and academic discipline of Jesuits, and I want to join the movement for creating more opportunities for the most in need and the humblest people of the world.

What professional/ work experience did you have prior to coming to McCourt?

As a Guatemalan Diplomat, I am currently serving as the Counselor at the Permanent Mission of Guatemala to the Organization of American States. Responsibilities includes overseeing a portfolio of topics related to Guatemala’s national interests on issues spanning political and social affairs, security and defense, electoral processes, health diplomacy, the fight against corruption and promotion of representative democracy at the Organization of the American States (OAS), in addition to supporting the implementation of cooperation and technical assistance for different national State institutions. Recently I was elected as the First Vice-Chair of the Committee on Hemispheric Security of the Permanent Council of the OAS, representing member states of the Central American Integration System (SICA), term 2023-2024.

In Guatemala, I previously assisted the Chief of Staff of the Minister of Foreign Affairs with executing the national and international agenda. Also facilitated Guatemala’s participation in the United Nations Peacekeeping Missions, acting as the liaison of the Guatemalan Foreign Ministry to the Department of Peacekeeping Operations of the Ministry of National Defense’s General Staff.

I also had the privilege to volunteer and held leadership positions in constructing emergency housing projects for communities affected by extreme poverty and natural disasters in Guatemala and worked as the Fundraising Director and Spokesperson of TECHO Guatemala (Un Techo para Mi País “A Roof for my Country”).

What has been the best part of your experience so far? I believe it is a privilege to be a Georgetown student. This is one of the best universities in the US and therefore, in the World. My professors have been amazing at transmitting their academic knowledge while sharing their personal and professional experience. My classmates come from very different perspectives and backgrounds and the interaction inside the class is diverse and challenging at the same time. Studying at Georgetown as a part-time student can be overwhelming while working full time but is a challenge that will transform the way I think and see the challenges and new opportunities for the World.

Student organization involvement while at McCourt: Head of Strategic Partnerships, Latin American and the Caribbean Policy Association (LAPA)

Undergraduate University, degree, and major: University Rafael Landí­var, Guatemala, Licentiate Degree, Political Science

Hobbies/ Interests: Outside working hours, I enjoy biking around the city exploring new places and looking for the best ice cream spot. One of my favorite activities in DC is walking around parks during different seasons and joining the Malcom X “Drum Circle” at Meridian Hill Park on Sundays. I appreciate spending time with my partner and friends cooking together while discovering new music. I have a great passion for reading about philosophy, history and different cultures and have been learning to play saxophone lately. Areas of academic interest include the mitigation of climate change and inequality in developing countries, good governance, strategy, negotiation, security and defense, cyber policy and policy management.

Reach out to me about: Moving to DC: different options to find places to live and sharing some topics to adapt better in the City, since I have been here for seven years. I am looking forward to helping and assisting future Latino students, including all the mandatory documents to send, the application process and how to take advantage of networking in the city.