Christopher Manganaro

Current position and employer: Director of Leased Labor and Military Affairs, Vector Force Development, US Army

Hometown: Deer Park, NY

Current City: Charleston, SC

Why did you choose McCourt? McCourt provided an environment where I was challenged to learn new ideas from top-notch faculty who have real life experiences.

What was the best part of your experience? The people and the location. Being in the heart of where policy is made in our country, with such a diverse set of students, faculty and staff, made for memorable experiences each and every day.

What internships did you have during your time at McCourt? Joint Chiefs of Staff Internship Program

Student organization involvement while at McCourt: Georgetown Military Network

Undergraduate university, degree, and major: Hofstra University, BBA in Management

Hobbies / Interests: Working out, spending time with my wife and kids, coaching youth soccer