TJ Adams-Falconer

Current position and employer: Deputy Communications Director for Former President Barack Obama

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Current City: Washington, DC

Why did you choose McCourt? I chose McCourt, and specifically the EMPL program, for a number of reasons. First, McCourt is unmatched when it comes to faculty, programming, and networking at the intersection of my two professional passions–policy and politics. The opportunities to engage with the student and faculty communities are plentiful and have made the educational experience all the more valuable. Second, the entire Georgetown community is committed to diversity in every sense of the word. From racial justice to political views to approaches to solving big problems, being exposed to a wide range of views and voices in a supportive environment has been incredibly rewarding. Lastly, I joined the EMPL program because it’s the exact curriculum I was looking for to help expand my career opportunities, equipping me with the leadership skills and technical expertise needed to affect the policy and political change I’m looking to make in the decades to come.

What was the best part of your experience? Hands down my favorite part of the EMPL experience has been my fellow classmates in the cohort. We all come from completely different professions, backgrounds, and even countries, and, during every class, we learn as much from each other and our experiences as we do from the professors.

Undergraduate Degree and University: University of California, Davis–BA Political Science, BA Communication

Hobbies/Interests: Reality TV, murder mysteries, working out, cooking, playing with my dog Hercules, and brewing beer.