State & Local Government

Long-run analysis of regional inequalities in the US

Logan, Trevon., Hardy, Bradley., and Parman, John. (2021). “Long-run analysis of regional inequalities in the US.” Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume 37, Issue 1, Spring 2021, pp. 49–69.

Bureaucracy, Democracy, and Race: The Limits of Symbolic Representation

Headley, Andrea M. (2021). “Bureaucracy, Democracy, and Race: The Limits of Symbolic Representation.” Public Administration Review, Volume81, Issue6, November/December 2021, pp. 1033-1043.

The psychology of justice buildings: A survey experiment on police architecture, public sentiment, and race

Headley, Andrea M., Blount-Hill, Kwan-Lamar., St. John, Victor J. (2021) “The psychology of justice buildings: A survey experiment on police architecture, public sentiment, and race.” Journal of Criminal Justice, Volume 73, March–April 2021, 101747.

Words that Matter: How the News and Social Media Shaped the 2016 Presidential Campaign

Bode, Leticia., Budak, Ceren., Ladd, Jonathan. M., Newport, Frank. Pasek, Josh., Singh, Lisa. O., Soroka, Stuart. N., Traugott, Michael. W. (2020). Words that Matter: How the News and Social Media Shaped the 2016 Presidential Campaign. Brookings Institution Press.

The Science of Gun Policy: A Critical Synthesis of Research Evidence on the Effects of Gun Policies in the United States, Second Edition

Smart, Rosanna., Morral, Andrew R., Smucker, Sierra., Cherney, Samantha., et al. (2020). “The Science of Gun Policy: A Critical Synthesis of Research Evidence on the Effects of Gun Policies in the United States.” RAND Corporation.

Is Representation Enough? Racial Disparities in Levels of Force and Arrests by Police

Headley, Andrea M. & Wright II, James E. (2020) “Is Representation Enough? Racial Disparities in Levels of Force and Arrests by Police.” Public Administration Review, Volume 80, Issue6, November/December 2020, pp. 1051-1062.

Party Polarization, Ideological Sorting and the Emergence of the US Partisan Gender Gap

Carnevale, Anthony P., Fasules, Megan L., Quinn, Michael C., & Campbell, Kathryn P. (2019). “Born to Win, Schooled to Lose.” Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce.

SAT-Only Admission: How would it change college campuses

Carnevale, Anthony P., Strohl, Jeff, Van Der Werf, Martin, Quinn, Michael C., & Campbell, Kathryn P. (2019). “SAT-Only Admission: How Would it Change College Campuses?” Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce.

Born to Win, Schooled to Lose

Carnevale, Anthony P., Fasules, Megan L., Quinn, Michael C., & Campbell, Kathryn P. (2019). “Born to Win, Schooled to Lose.” Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce.

Our Separate and Unequal Public Colleges

Carnevale, Anthony P., Van Der Werf, Martin, Quinn, Michael C., Strohl, Jeff, & Repnikov, Dmitri (2018). “Our Separate and Unequal Public Colleges.” Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce.

Cultural Imprinting, Institutions, and the Organization of New Firms

Waguespack, David. M., Dunford, Eric. T. & Birnir, Johanna. K. (2018). Cultural Imprinting, Institutions, and the Organization of New Firms. Strategy Science, Vol. 3 (2). Pages 367 – 480.

Transforming Juvenile Justice Systems to Improve Public Safety and Youth Outcomes

Weber, Josh., Umpierre, Michael., & Bilchik, Shay. (2018). Transforming Juvenile Justice Systems to Improve Public Safety and Youth Outcomes.

The Evaluation Roadmap for Optimizing Pre-K Programs

Johnson, Anna D., Phillips, Deborah A., & Schochet, Owen (2018). “The Evaluation Roadmap for Optimizing Pre-K Programs.” The Brookings Institution.

Equipping School Leaders to Spend Wisely

Roza, Marguerite. (2018). Equipping School Leaders to Spend Wisely. National Association of State Boards of Education. 11-13.

School Finance is Coming Out of the Dark Ages

Roza, Marguerite. (2017). School Finance is Coming Out of the Dark Ages. FutureEd.

A roadmap for Change: How Juvenile Justice facilities can better serve youth with mental health issues

Bilchik, Shay, Umpierre, Michael, & Lenhoff, Carly. (2017). “A Roadmap for Change: How Juvenile Justice Facilities Can Better Serve Youth with Mental Health Issues.” Regional Research Institute for Human Services. pp. 13 – 16.

The Critical Advantage Developing Critical Thinking Skills in School

Gormley, William T. (2017). “The Critical Advantage Developing Critical Thinking Skills in School.” Harvard Education Press.

The Effects of Tulsa’s Pre‐K Program on Middle School Student Performance

Gormley, William T., Phillips, Deborah, & Anderson, Sara (2017). “The Effects of Tulsa’s Pre‐K Program on Middle School Student Performance.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Volume 37(1), pp. 63-87.

Maltreatment, Child Welfare, and Recidivism in a Sample of Deep-End Crossover Youth.

Michael T. Baglivio, Kevin T. Wolff, Alex R. Piquero, Shay, Bilchik, Katherine, Jackowski, Mark A. Greenwald., & Nathan, Epps. (2016). “Maltreatment, Child Welfare, and Recidivism in a Sample of Deep-End Crossover Youth.”J Youth Adolesc. Volume 45(4). pp. 625–654.

The Consequences of Broader Media Choice: Evidence from the Expansion of Fox News

Hopkins, Daniel. J. & Ladd, Jonathan. M. (2014). The Consequences of Broader Media Choice: Evidence from the Expansion of Fox News. Quarterly Journal of Political Science, Vol. 9. Pages 115-135.

Why Americans Hate the Media and How It Matters

Ladd, Jonathan. M. (2012). Why Americans Hate the Media and How It Matters. Princeton University Press.

Educational Economics: Where Do School Funds Go?

Roza, Marguerite (2010). “Educational Economics: Where Do School Funds Go?” Pennsylvania State University: Urban Institute Press.

Preschool Programs Can Boost School Readiness

Gormley, William T., Phillips, Deborah, & Gayer, Ted (2008). “Preschool Programs Can Boost School Readiness.” Science, Volume 320(5884), pp. 1723-1724.