Felix Faltin

Current position and employer: Co-Founder and CEO at haelsi.at

Hometown and current city: Vienna, Austria

Why did you choose McCourt? McCourt was the obvious choice in DC, which in turn was the obvious choice in the US for a political mind like myself.

What was the best part of your experience? I learnt the most from my peers, all driven and inspiring leaders bent on building a better world. That aside, the quality of quantitative training is unmatched, and what remains is a commitment to build policy from facts, not fiction.

What internships did you have during your time at McCourt? I interned at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance between years and was student assistant for micro and macro.

Student organization involvement while at McCourt: I was treasurer for the McCourt Student Association (then known as GPPSA).

Undergraduate university, degree, and major:  Warwick University, BA in Philosophy, Politics, Economics

Hobbies/ Interests: Drumming, going to the zoo with my kids, traveling in Italy