Development Policy

Human Capital Accumulation and Disasters: Evidence from the Pakistan Earthquake of 2005

Andrabi, Tahir., Daniels, Benjamin., and Das, Jishnu. (2021) “Human Capital Accumulation and Disasters: Evidence from the Pakistan Earthquake of 2005.” Journal of Human Resources (June 9, 2021): 0520-10887R1.

Recruitment, Effort, and Retention Effects of Performance Contracts for Civil Servants: Experimental Evidence from Rwandan Primary Schools

Leaver, Clare, Owen Ozier, Pieter Serneels, and Andrew Zeitlin. (2021). “Recruitment, Effort, and Retention Effects of Performance Contracts for Civil Servants: Experimental Evidence from Rwandan Primary Schools.” American Economic Review111 (7): 2213-46.

Teacher Turnover in Rwanda

Andrew Zeitlin. (2021). “Teacher Turnover in Rwanda.” Journal of African Economies, Volume 30, Issue 1, January 2021, Pages 81–102.

Can Public Rankings Improve School Performance? Evidence from a Nationwide Reform in Tanzania

Cilliers, J., Mbiti, Isaac M., Zeitlin, A. (2020)”Can Public Rankings Improve School Performance? Evidence from a Nationwide Reform in Tanzania.” Journal of Human Resources Summer 2021 no. 3 , pp. 655-685

Impact of Public-Private Partnerships on Private School Performance: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial in Uganda (English)

Osorio, Felipe., Galbert, Pierre., Habyarimana, James.,  & Sabarwal, Shwetlena. (2019). “Impact of public-private partnerships on private school performance: evidence from a randomized controlled trial in Uganda (English).” Economic Development and Cultural Change.

Use of standardised patients for healthcare quality research in low- and middle-income countries

Kwan, Ada., Daniels, Benjamin., Bergkvist, Sofi., Das, Veena., Pai, Madhukar. & Das, Jishnu. (2019). “Use of standardised patients for healthcare quality research in low- and middle-income countries .” BMJ Global Heath.

Upskilling and Downsizing in American Manufacturing

Anthony, Carnevale., Neil, Ridley., Ban, Cheah., Jeff, Strohl., & Kathryn Peltier Campbell. (2019). “Upskilling and Downsizing in American Manufacturing.”

Pay for locally monitored performance? A welfare analysis for teacher attendance in Ugandan primary schools

Cilliers, Jacobus., Kasirye, Ibrahim., Leaver, Clare., Serneels, Pieter., Zeitlin, Andrew. (2018). “Pay for locally monitored performance? A welfare analysis for teacher attendance in Ugandan primary schools.”
Journal of Public Economics, Volume 167, 2018, Pages 69-90;

In Aid We Trust: Hearts and Minds and the Pakistan Earthquake of 2005

Andrabi, Tahir. & Das, Jishnu. (2017) “In Aid We Trust: Hearts and Minds and the Pakistan Earthquake of 2005.” The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 99 (3), pp. 371 – 386.

Report Cards: The Impact of Providing School and Child Test Scores on Educational Markets

Andrabi, Tahir., Das, Jishnu. & Khwaja, Asim. I. (2017). “Report Cards: The Impact of Providing School and Child Test Scores on Educational Markets.” American Economic Association, Vol. 107 (5), pp. 1535 – 1563.

Reconciling after Civil Conflict Increases Social Capital but Decreases Individual Well-being

Cilliers, Jacobus., Dube, Oeindrila., & Siddiqi, Bilal. (2016). “Reconciling after civil conflict increases social capital but decreases individual well-being.” Science. Volume 352, pp. 787-794.

The impact of training informal health care providers in India: A randomized controlled trial

Das, Jishnu., Chowdhury, Abhijit., Hussam, Reshmaan. & Banerjee, Abhijit. V. (2016). “The impact of training informal health care providers in India: A randomized controlled trial.” Science, Vol. 354 (6308).

Welfare and the Multifaceted Decision to Move

Bailey, Michael. “Welfare and the Multifaceted Decision to Move.” American Political Science Review. vol. 99, no. 1. 2005. pp. 125–135.

Results of A Large-scale Randomized Behavior Change Intervention on Road Safety in Kenya

James, Habyarimana., & William, Jack. (2015). “Results of a large-scale randomized behavior change intervention on road safety in Kenya. “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Volume 112(34), pp. E4661-70.

The Effect of Absenteeism and Clinic Protocol on Health Outcomes: The Case of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Kenya

Goldstein, Markus., Joshua, Zivin, James, Habyarimana, Cristian, Eleches, & Harsha, Thirumurthy (2013) “The Effect of Absenteeism and Clinic Protocol on Health Outcomes: The Case of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Kenya.” American economic journal. Applied Economics, Volume 5,2, pp. 58-85.

Coethnicity: Diversity and the Dilemmas of Collective Action

Habyarimana, James., Macartan Humphreys., Daniel N. Posner., & Jeremy M. Weinstein. (2009).”Coethnicity: Diversity and the Dilemmas of Collective Action.” Russell Sage Foundation.