Amy Rodick

Amy Rodick (EMPL 22) currently serves as a Senior Program Analyst in the Department of the Army’s G-9 (Installations). Ms. Rodick is an Army veteran and a current military spouse well versed in the many benefits and challenges of military life.

Amy sought out Georgetown University – McCourt School of Public Policy’s EMPL program because the degree program aligns with her personal objectives and values of social responsibility – serving individuals and communities. Amy is eager to serve in increasingly complex and demanding leadership positions and seeks to diversify her career experience in order to continue serving. Her academic and career goals are focused on changing how policies and programs are administered to create more equitable conditions. Recently, Amy has been nominated to serve on the Secretary of Defense’s Military Family Readiness Council where she hopes to make a positive impact on service members and their families across the Department of Defense.

During her time in the EMPL program, Amy has reflected on the importance of a diverse cohort “The cohort-based program facilitates an environment that promotes interdisciplinary collaboration between emerging leaders in the public, private and non-profit sectors.” As she continues with the program, Amy advises people who are interested in developing the skills required for members of the Federal Government Senior Executive Service (SES) or any executive, to look no further. “This is a one of a kind program where everything from the selection of the members of your cohort, to the selection of the faculty is designed to challenge your thought processes, designed to help you build coalitions, and designed to make you a better leader.”