Alejandra Defilipis

Current Position: Global Marketing Director for the Pneumococcal Vaccines at Merck & Co, based in Pennsylvania.

How has the EMPL program shaped the way you approach your work? After only a few months of being part of the program, I already perceive how the EMPL is shaping me as a leader. It has helped me to broaden my perspective and understanding of policy challenges. I have become a more critical thinker and informed professional. I have gained a robust understanding on how different stakeholders, including the private sector, can participate and influence the policy agenda. In summary, the EMPL has sharpened my vision around policy issues, which allows me to come up with more robust analysis and engage more effectively in discussions.

What is your favorite memory from the EMPL program? It is difficult to pick one single memory from the EMPL. Some of the highlights:

What would you say to someone considering the EMPL program? I would definitely say “go for it”! The EMPL will undoubtedly bring a lot of value to your career. Some of the highlights of this program are: