
McCourt and World Bank Host Event for Students and Alumni

The McCourt School and the World Bank Group/IMF Staff Georgetown University Alumni Association hosted a networking event for McCourt students. The evening began with a panel discussion featuring two McCourt School alumni, Bryan Koo and Timothy Herzog, who spoke about their careers and work experiences at the World Bank.

The McCourt School and the World Bank Group/IMF Staff Georgetown University Alumni Association hosted a networking event for McCourt students.

On Monday, September 22, 2014 McCourt School students met with nearly forty members of the World Bank Group/IMF Staff Georgetown University Alumni Association, a group of McCourt School and Georgetown alumni currently working at the World Bank.

The evening began with a panel discussion featuring two McCourt School alumni, Bryan Koo and Timothy Herzog, who spoke about their careers and work experiences at the World Bank.

The panel discussion was followed by a dinner with McCourt School Dean Edward Montgomery, who welcomed current students and alums and spoke about the future of the McCourt School. Georgetown alum Anabel Gonzalez, the Senior Director of Global Practice on Trade and Competition, then reflected on her new role at the World Bank and at her time at Georgetown.

This event is the first in a series of events connecting Georgetown alumni at the World Bank with current Georgetown students.