Georgetown University campus
Linkage Seminar

Linking Postsecondary Education to Workforce Earnings Data – Gardner Carrick

On Thursday, October 21, 2021, MDI’s Amy O’Hara was joined by Gardner Carrick, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives at the Manufacturing Institute, National Association of Manufacturers. They discussed a project examining employment and earnings outcomes of industry credentialing programs and intersection of those programs with the traditional postsecondary education system. The project includes data from manufacturing credentialing organizations, the National Student Clearinghouse, and the U.S. Census Bureau.

Gardner Carrick: Gardner Carrick is the Vice President of Strategic Initiatives for The Manufacturing Institute at the National Association of Manufacturers. Mr. Carrick leads the Institute’s efforts to create a world class workforce for the U.S. manufacturing sector. He oversees the Institute’s award-winning FAME education program which is delivering global best entry-level technicians to hundreds of manufacturers nationwide. He is creating a new national recognition program for the industry-based credentials used in most manufacturing education programs. And, he is leading a public-private partnership to determine the outcomes of manufacturing education programs and develop solutions to improve their results.


Link to zoom recording is here.