Faculty and Research Seminars
The Georgetown and the McCourt School communities offer rich and engaging intellectual opportunities for faculty. McCourt faculty can take advantage of a wide-variety of seminar series offered across campus:
McCourt Faculty Internal Seminars

Join your colleagues this semester online as they discuss their newest works and engage with other attendees. Organized by Professor Raphael Calel, please keep an eye out for digital invites closer to the date.
If you have any questions about the events in this series, reach out to Gabriel Taylor or Professor Calel.
These events are open only to Georgetown University faculty members.
Energy and Climate Policy Research Seminars
The energy and climate policy research seminar aims to enhance intellectual exchange among faculty and students by providing a forum to discuss research and policy topics related to the international and domestic dimensions of energy and climate change policy. Speakers will include members of the Georgetown community as well as invited faculty and practitioners from the Washington area and beyond.
All seminars are held at the Mortara Center for International Studies (3600 N Street, NW) on selected Tuesdays throughout the year from 12:30-2:00pm unless noted (see schedule below). Open to Georgetown faculty, staff and students, and others by invitation.
MDI Data Analytics Workshop Series
The Massive Data Institute (MDI) data analytics workshop series’ goal is to give researchers the tools to advance their research in new ways with new data sources and techniques.
Learn about what data science is and how to work with more organic, non-survey data. Then learn about climate data we have access to at GU.
These workshops are free and open to all faculty, researchers, and students across campus; they are designed to give you skills for more advanced data analytics in your respective research areas.
Topics include: The Future of High Dimensional Data Research, Data Essentials: Data Analysis in Python, Large-scale Analysis of Climate and Landcover Data
gui2de Development Seminar Series
The gui2de Seminar Series features guest speakers presenting cutting edge research in development economics and covers topical policy issues of interest to the development community. It brings in speakers both from D.C. and around the globe. The topics range from trade and industrial policies to income distribution to the management of financial markets. Any corresponding paper prepared by the speaker is also generally made available in an electronic format for download from this site.
All seminars will take place from 12:30-1:45 on Thursdays in ICC 550.
Econometric Seminars
The Econometric Seminars series takes place at the Department of Economics, ICC 550, between 4:00pm and 5:30pm unless otherwise stated. You do not need to book your place; just come to the room entrance 5 minutes before the seminar starts.
Macroeconomics Workshop Series
This workshop series, presented by the Georgetown University Department of Economics, takes place on Friday’s throughout the semester.
Microeconomics Workshop Series
This workshop series, presented by the Georgetown University Department of Economics, takes place on Wednesday’s throughout the semester.
Sociology Colloquia
The Sociology Department Colloquium series takes place on Wednesdays from 12:30-2:00, unless otherwise stated. The talk is open to public and no need to book your seat in advance. Typically lunch is served during the talk.
Data Science for Public Policy Seminar Series
The Data Science for Public Policy Seminar Series is run by the McCourt School’s Master of Science in Data Science for Public policy Program, and brings leading thinkers in data science and analytics to the Hilltop for workshops on cutting edge topics.