Tech & Public Policy

Event – Cyber Warfare: What the Conflict in Ukraine Reveals about the Future of War

On April 17, 2023 at 11:00 AM in Old North 205 join the McCourt School’s Tech & Public Policy program, visiting Research Fellow Gulsanna Mamediieva, Professor Jeffrey Glick and a panel of experts for a discussion about what the conflict in Ukraine reveals about the future of war. This panel discussion will focus on cyber warfare, shifting tactics in the Ukrainian war and what defense and tech professionals need to focus on moving forward. The panel discussion will be followed by a question and answer period and lunch.

The Tech & Public Policy program at Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy invites the Georgetown community to a discussion with a panel of experts about what the conflict in Ukraine teaches us about the future of cyber warfare. Following the discussion attendees will be invited to ask questions.

The event will take place on April 17, 2023, from 11:00-12:30 pm ET in Old North 205 at Georgetown University. Lunch will be served immediately following the event.

RSVP today.

About the Speakers

Jeffrey Glick

Dr. Glick is an adjunct professor at Georgetown University and a Professor of Practice at Virginia Tech. He is also a NATO Civil Expert. Until his retirement in 2019, he was a Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Cybersecurity and Communications in the Department of Homeland Security and responsible for review of federal cybersecurity preparedness and response capabilities in coordination with the private sector.

Previously, he directed communication technology and disaster experts nationwide assessing, developing and strengthening emergency management at the federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial levels, and with non-governmental organizations and the private sector. He also led the office responsible for coordinating communications response and recovery with federal agencies and the private sector during Presidentially declared disasters. He was detailed as a Senior Policy Advisor for
Emergency Programs to the Office of Science and Technology Policy in the White House and worked for 25 years at the Federal Emergency Management Agency developing, directing and evaluating emergency management programs and responding to a wide variety of disasters, technological and terrorism events.

Dr. Glick holds a PhD in Engineering Management from George Washington University, an MS in National Resource Strategy from the Eisenhower School, National Defense University, and an MA in Social Service Administration from the University of

Gulsanna Mamediieva

Gulsanna Mamediieva, a Ph.D. candidate at Kyiv University whose research was interrupted by the war, is now a research fellow at the McCourt School. Gulsanna is also a Director General of Directorate for European and Euro-Atlantic integration at the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine since 1 September 2019. In the Ukrainian government, Gulsanna is in charge of European integration of the digital sector of Ukraine and gradual integration into EU Digital Single Market. Gulsanna and her team have launched the development and implementation of the strategy of integration of Ukraine into the European Digital Single Market. It comprises many components: electronic communications, e-services, online safety, privacy, open data, digital skills, innovation, trust and identification services, e-commerce, economic empowerment, countering the digital divide, etc.

She is also: a member of the Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAI) at the Council of Europe, Harmonization Digital Market (HDM) Coordinator in Eastern Partnership Countries for Ukraine, Coordinator of the Digital Europe Program for Ukraine, representative of Ukraine at WeProtect Global Alliance, GovStack Initiative.

John R Gossart

John Gossart is the Cofounder, Chief Operating Officer and CFO of Fintech startup GoodWorld, the startup named one of Fast Company’s World’s Most Innovative Companies, Forbes Top 25 Veteran Founded Companies, and D.C.’s Best Technology Startup. John’s first startup, RideScout, was acquired by Daimler-Mercedes in 2015.

Before becoming an entrepreneur, John served over 22 years in military and government, work that took him to various locations across Africa, Pakistan, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, Asia and Europe, most recently serving as a deputy director of special operations and counterterrorism policy in the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

He has earned degrees from Boston College and Georgetown University, and served as an Assistant Professor at West Point.

John’s former indie rock band StoneDriver has released two studio albums, “Rocks”, and “Chasing Demons” and he now plays solo around the DMV. In between running Goodworld, teaching, and live shows he hangs out in Old Town with his wife and their four sons.

Tatyana Bolton

Tatyana Bolton is a security policy manager at Google where she works on a number of cybersecurity issues including connected device security and the cyber workforce.

Prior to joining Google, Tatyana was the Director for R Street’s Cybersecurity & Emerging Threats program, and worked as the senior policy director for the U.S. Cyberspace Solarium Commission focusing on U.S. government reorganization and resilience portfolios, where she still serves as a Senior Advisor. From 2017-2020, Tatyana also served at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency as the cyber policy lead in the Office of Strategy, Policy and Plans where she developed strategies for strengthening the cybersecurity of our nation’s critical infrastructure. Tatyana’s work included efforts on the Cyber Deterrence Strategy of the United States, the DHS Cybersecurity Strategy and the National Cyber Strategy.

Tatyana has published in Lawfare, Defense News, The Hill, the Dispatch, and others on various topics in cybersecurity, and has appeared on NPR, News Nation, and C-SPAN. She also received an award for exceptionally meritorious service from the Cyberspace Solarium Commission.

She received a Master of Arts in Security Studies from Georgetown University’s Walsh School of Foreign Service’s Security Studies Program and earned Bachelor of Arts with honors in political science and theatre from the Ohio State University.