Linkage Seminar

Advanced Linkage Methodology – Dean Resnick

On Thursday, June 24th, Dean Resnick from NORC joined MDI Research Professor Amy O’Hara to discuss advanced linkage methodologies.

Dean Resnick is the Principal Data Scientist at the nonpartisan and objective research organization NORC at the University of Chicago. Dean has conducted record linkage for a variety of projects at NORC. During this Linkage Seminar, Amy O’Hara and Dean discussed the Fellegi-Sunter record linkage paradigm, the use of frequency-based name weights, the use of string-distance comparison weighting, the use of the expectation-maximization algorithm, blocking strategies, and more. In this seminar, Dean provided an overview of these methods and how they have been applied in record linkage projects NORC has conducted.

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A copy of the slide deck.