Services for Students

In-Person Office Hours

Come see us in the Commons on the 2nd floor of 125 E St. For spring semester 2025, you can find the government librarian there every other Tuesday from 12:30-2:00 PM and the MPWC TAs every Tuesday from 5:00-7:00 PM and Wednesday from 12:00-2:00 PM.


Each semester, the MPWC provides workshops on particular policy-writing skillsets both in-person and on Zoom.

Workshop topics include:

To suggest a workshop topic, email

Feedback & Publication Groups

Each semester, the MPWC facilitates a group of MPWC representatives and McCourt students who read each other’s work and give each other feedback. We welcome all participants who wish to publish their writing at some point. Contact to find out more.

Online Modules

For more independent, self-driven opportunities to work on writing skills, check out the online modules the MPWC has created in the “PPOL-Writing Center Courses” Canvas course.

Individual Coaching

The MPWC provides individual appointments to students seeking help with their writing. These include evening and weekend hours.

At individual coaching appointments, students will receive one-on-one targeted assistance with specific writing assignments and projects. Assistance begins with understanding the context for communication and follows the policy-writing process. To receive written feedback, writing materials should be sent at least 24 hours in advance for shorter pieces and 48 hours in advance for longer (15+ pages) pieces. The MPWC does not provide line-editing services.

For individual appointments for help with thesis/capstone year projects, email Dr. Jeff Mayer at