Centers and Initiatives

The McCourt School of Public Policy’s affiliated centers are engaged in research, professional training, and sharing of information on Congress, health policy, international development, and social policy.
List of Research Center Directors
The Institute of Politics and Public Service
Founded as part of the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown in 2013 and launched in the fall of 2015, the GU Politics is dedicated to reconnecting young people with the notion that politics is a noble vehicle for public service.
The Massive Data Institute (MDI) at Georgetown’s McCourt School of Public Policy harnesses modern data and computing power to produce cutting edge research and improve public policy decision making.
The Tech & Public Policy program at the McCourt School of Public Policy works to shape technology’s promise for a better world. Tech & Public Policy catalyzes cross-disciplinary research, supports emerging leaders, and convenes experts and policymakers to address the challenges and opportunities posed by our ever-evolving digital society.
The Government Affairs Institute
GAI provides education and training about congressional processes, organization, and practices, and about selected legislative policy issues.
The Health Policy Institute
HPI is a multi-disciplinary group of faculty and staff dedicated to conducting research on key issues in health policy and health services research, including health care financing, the uninsured, and health insurance reform.
Health Care Financing Initiative
The Health Care Financing Initiative conducts research in health care financing, and fosters engagement between students, faculty, policymakers, and industry leaders in health care financing.
Center for Children and Families
CCF is an independent, nonpartisan policy and research center whose mission is to expand and improve health coverage for America’s children and families.
Center on Health Insurance Reforms
CHIR is composed of a team of nationally recognized experts on private health insurance and health reform. Our mission is to improve access to affordable and adequate health insurance by providing balanced, evidence-based research, analysis, and strategic advice.
Georgetown University Initiative on Innovation, Development and Evaluation (gui2de)
Gui2de conducts empirical field-based research to assess the impact and effectiveness of interventions and policies aimed at empowering individuals in developing countries to improve their lives.
The Center on Education and the Workforce
The Center is an independent, nonprofit research and policy institute that studies the link between education, career qualifications, and workforce demands. The Center conducts research, engagement, and outreach to policymakers and practitioners.
The Center for Juvenile Justice Reform
CJJR supports and educates leaders across systems of care to advance a balanced, multi-system approach to improving outcomes for, and promoting the positive development of, youth at risk of juvenile justice involvement.
The Center for Public and Nonprofit Leadership
CPNL is a leading education, research and training center dedicated to the development of public, nonprofit and philanthropic leadership.
The Center for Research on Children in the United States
CROCUS focuses on policy issues related to children, including early childhood education, pre-K programs, Head Start, and child care programs.
The Center for Retirement Initiatives
The Center for Retirement Initiatives promotes, through rigorous research, technical assistance and education, innovative retirement solutions at the state level in the United States.
Edunomics Lab
Edunomics Lab is a research center dedicated to exploring and modeling complex education fiscal decisions. The center tracks public funds in K-12 and higher education systems to the point of service and examines the effects of policy decisions on the allocation of resources across students and services.
Evidence for Justice Lab
The Evidence for Justice Lab is a research and policy hub with a mission to create a more effective and fair approach to safety and justice through evidence and research.
FutureEd is an independent, solution-oriented think tank committed to bringing fresh energy to the causes of excellence, equity, and efficiency in K-12 and higher education on behalf of the nation’s disadvantaged students.
Better Government Lab
Better Government Lab aims to work with government agencies to improve their effectiveness and make programs and services more accessible to people through the use of data analytics, rigorous evaluations and insights from the social and behavioral sciences.