Kasey Hall

Current position and employer: Senior Paralegal with Standard Title and Escrow

Hometown: Glade Hill, VA

Current City: Alexandria, VA

Why did you choose McCourt? Many reasons but the top one is you just can’t beat being in DC! The opportunities that being in the epicenter of the policy word affords to you are unmatched. Students here are passionate about creating positive and lasting changes in the world and I knew I wanted to be in that environment. McCourt is also academically rigorous but the opportunities to learn from scholars and policy practitioners are well worth the late nights spent studying. It’s also ok to not know what policy area you are interested in! McCourt has so many electives encompassing a wide range of policy areas.

What has been the best part of your experience so far? The connections I am making with both people in my cohort and my professors. While we may have started graduate school during a global pandemic and we’ve relied on Zoom, I have experienced nothing but support from my fellow classmates as well as members of the McCourt faculty and staff. You’re surrounded by people who have so many unique and valuable life experiences and sometimes I find myself sitting back and taking it all in. There is truly a “we are in this together” mindset amongst my cohort!

What internships have you had so far during your time at McCourt? Virtual Student Foreign Service eInternship – Department of State, Student Volunteer at The White House

Student organization involvement while at McCourt: Women in Public Policy Initiative (WPPI), McCourt Student Association (MSA), Georgetown Public Policy Review (GPPR)

Undergraduate University, degree, and major:  Roanoake College, BA in International Relations

Hobbies / Interests: I love to travel and try to make it my goal to visit at least one new country per year.