Jared Ison

Current position and employer: Associate Director, Strategic Initiatives, Georgetown University Office of Advancement

Hometown: Indianapolis, IN

Current City: Washington, DC

Why did you choose McCourt? My decision to apply to McCourt was quite simple: there is no better place to think about global issues with ethical implications than Georgetown, and there is no better place to study public policy than Washington, DC. Animated by our Jesuit values, a Georgetown degree denotes a lifetime commitment to the pursuit of justice and the common good. A degree in a public policy is a credential that can open many doors in Washington, and one from the McCourt School of Public Policy is more than just a career credential—it is a call to go out and use the analytical skills that we learn to improve policy and make the world a better place.

What was the best part of your experience? Without a doubt it was the support of the faculty and the teaching assistants, particularly those teaching core courses. The quantitative emphasis within the core can seem daunting, but my professors were all exceptional in their teaching. While any course in Statistics and Economics will require a knowledge of formulas and proofs, my professors have helped me move beyond the mathematical foundation to understand the transferable intuition and real-world applications of those subjects.

What internships did you have during your time at McCourt? As an evening student, I spent the three years of the program continuing to work at my day job as a member of Georgetown University’s Office of Advancement. As a member of our Strategic Initiatives team, I help to prepare fundraising documents based on the priorities set by university leaders, including Dean Cancian. It is a pleasure to help advance the mission of Georgetown and spread the word about some of the university’s most inspiring and impactful work.

Student organization involvement while at McCourt: I served as the Evening Program Representative for the McCourt Student Association (MSA), helping to create meaningful community across our three cohorts.

Undergraduate Degree and University: International Political Economy from Georgetown University with a Certificate in Religion, Ethics, and World Affairs

Hobbies / Interests: In my free time, I enjoy reading, going to performances at the Kennedy Center, and watching Georgetown return to glory on the basketball court.