Georgetown University photographed from the Potomac River
Category: General News, Student Experience

Title: Anti-Asian Racism Interventions and Resources

The McCourt School strongly condemns all violence, xenophobia, and racism, and recognizes the increased burden faced by Asian and Asian-American members of our community. The University’s Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity and Affirmative Action has issued a statement of solidarity, and our colleagues at the Georgetown University Medical Center recently shared these helpful interventions and resources:

If you witness oppression or a student or colleague shares an experience with you, here are some ally and upstander responses for both virtual and real life contexts:


  • “I am sorry that happened to you. That is racist and wrong. I am here to listen if you want to talk.”
  • “That sounds awful. You do not deserve to be treated that way. Is there anything I can do to help?”
  • “What happened to you was wrong. I am sorry for the way you were treated.”

If you are a bystander and you are able to be an upstander here are some responses for both virtual and real life contexts:


  • “Please stop targeting/blaming my colleague or student. They are not responsible for the global pandemic.”
  • “Your racism toward him/her/them is wrong. Please stop.”
  • “I am not okay with how you are treating her/him/them. Please leave.”
  • “If you want to combat this public health crisis, I recommend washing your hands rather than blaming innocent people.”

Teaching Resources for Faculty: