Category: University News

Title: Radin Pens Book on Life and Career from Midwest to Washington

Beryl Radin's Book: Leaving South Dakota

In her book, Radin weaves together the threads of a life composed by fragments of feminism, civil rights, Americanization, and activism. Spanning eight decades, her memoir offers a vision of the twentieth century through the lens of a woman defined by multiple identities attempting to define her place in a shifting world.

She is scheduled to discuss her book at Politics & Prose Bookstore and Coffeehouse on Sunday, March 5 at 5pm.

Prior to joining McCourt, Professor Radin, who calls herself a “pracademic” for having moved back and forth between the world of the practitioner and that of the academic, was as a scholar in residence in the Department of Public Administration and Policy at American University. She is a past president of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, former head of the public administration section of the American Political Science Association, and editor of the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. Her government service includes an assignment as a special advisor to the assistant secretary for management and budget of the US Department of Health and Human Services.

In addition to receiving numerous awards for her work and scholarship, she has penned a number of other books and articles on public policy and public management issues, including Beyond Machiavelli; Political Analysis Comes of Age; The Accountable Juggler: the Art of Leadership in a Federal Agency; Challenging the Performance Movement: Accountability, Complexity and Democratic Values; and Federal Management Reform in a World of Contradictions.

To purchase “Leaving South Dakota: A Memoir of a Jewish Feminist Academic”, visit Mascot Books or Amazon.